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English citations of Putinversteher

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  • 2014, Paul Roderick Gregory, “Empathizing with the Devil: How Germany’s Putin-Verstehers Shield Russia,” in Forbes, April 5:
    These prominent German Putin-Empathizers (from Versteher or, literally “understander” in German) serve as Putin’s first line of defense against meaningful European sanctions for the Anschluss of Crimea. [...] Merkel’s threats to tighten sanctions ring hollow with Putin-Verstehers like Gas-Gerd around.
  • 2015, Daniel Woodley, Globalization and Capitalist Geopolitics: Sovereignty and State Power in a Multipolar World, London: Routledge, p 207:
    This reluctance has resulted in accusations that Germany is dominated by Putin-Versteher (‘Putin sympathizers’) who underestimate the authoritarian character of Putin’s government and the political risks of ‘appeasing’ Moscow (Adomeit 2014).
  • 2015, Diana Johnstone, Queen of Chaos: The Misadventures of Hillary Clinton, Petrolia, California: Counterpunch Books:
    As a matter of fact, so many people in Germany do indeed understand the Russian point of view that “Putinversteher” (“Putin-understander”) has become a common semi-ironic term in political arguments.
  • 2015, Marcel H. Van Herpen, Putin’s Propaganda Machine: Soft Power and Russian Foreign Policy, Rowman and Littlefield, p 261:
    Another point is that the Kremlin, helped by an unprecedented propaganda offensive, was able to create in France, as well as in Germany, a large reservoir of sympathizers. These Putinversteher (Putin apologists), who did not hesitate to condone Russia’s acts of aggression, are overrepresented in parties of the extreme right and the extreme left.