Citations:Victoria's Secret

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English citations of Victoria's Secret

  • 2006, Anne Stuart, Cold As Ice, MIRA, →ISBN, page 109:
    You might even find some new clothes, though I doubt it. Harry's guests were usually anorexic models wearing Victoria’s Secret. Not that you wouldn't be delicious in sexy underwear []
  • 2007 April 16, Rob Hoyt, Nell Boyce (reporter), "Space Tethers: Slinging Objects in Orbit?", Morning Edition, National Public Radio [1]
    [] that’s normally used for fabricating things like lacy edgings on, you know, Victoria’s Secret undergarments. We’ve developed ways to use that to braid the multi-line tether structure that we’re testing in space.
  • 2009, Marilyn Brant, According to Jane, Kensington Books, →ISBN, page 10:
    Then she, with her Victoria’s Secret uplift and her cheerleader’s outfit snugly back on, adjusted her leg warmers, slipped on her gold-glittered Nikes and blotted her hot-pink lipstick with a tissue as she tracked my far-less-fashionable footsteps down the hallway toward algebra.
  • 2009, Derek V. Brooks, 18th & M, AEG Publishing Group, →ISBN, page 96:
    He looked at her lying there in her Victoria’s Secret that she planned to share with him.
  • 2010, Joe Hill, Horns, HarperCollins, →ISBN, pages 91 and 250:
    Beneath was a Victoria’s Secret catalog, and the Rolling Stone with Demi Moore naked on the cover. []
    She told him her Victoria’s Secret things were in the bottom drawer, to save him the trouble of searching for them.