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English citations of adhæsion and adhæſion

Noun: archaic form of adhesion

1722 1792 1843 1904
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1722, John Lowthrop, The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London; Volume III, third edition, Chapter III, page #73:
    The cloſe Fibrous Texture, the tought Membrane that cover’d it, and the two black hard Specks therein included, its ſtrong Adhæſion to the Heart by little Capillary Roots, and other larger Protuberances adapted to all the little Cavities of the Ventricle, are Arguments that it was no ſmall Time in growing : And if it happen’d after Death, how came it to paſs that the large Branch B,  ſhould ſtop within the Auricle, and the nothing of the like Subſtance ſhould be continu’d farther into the Vena Cava, ſince the Blood there muſt needs be as much diſpos’d to ſuch a ſudden Coagulation as in the Heart ?
  • 1792, Francis Plowden, quoting an unknown author in Jura Anglorum; Chapter XVI, page #594:
    It happened alſo, that ſome members of the houſe of commons, many of his domeſtick ſervants, and not a few of the nobility and great men of the realm, repaired from ſeveral places to the king at York ; ſo far from being willing to involve themſelves in other men’s ſins, that they declared the conſtancy of their adhæſion to his majeſty’s ſervice.
  • 1843, Edward Rigby and William Hunter, An Anatomical Description of the Human Gravid Uterus, Henry Renshaw; second edition, page #49:
    “ In separating the membranes from the uterus, we observe that the adhæsion of the decidua to the chorion, and likewise its adhæsion to the muscular fibres of the uterus, is rather stronger than the adhæsion between its external and internal stratum, which, we may presume, is the reason that in labour it so commonly leaves a stratum upon the inside of the uterus. ”
  • 1904, Edred Moss Corner and William Henry Battle, The Surgery of the Diseases of the Appendix Vermiformis and their Complications, Archibald Constable & Co; Chapter XI, page #189:
    Internal fistulæ are formed in two ways : either by a less acute process which allows of adhæsion of the viscera, and then perforation of the intervening septum, or by the discharge of an appendix abscess into a viscus, but in almost all cases the tract quickly closes, and the fistula is rarely seen.

English citations of adhæsions

Noun: plural form of adhæsion

ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1817, Edward Percival in Transactions of the Association of Fellows and Licentiates; Volume I, page #304:
    The morbid appearances of the lungs, in such cases as had antecedently shewn symptoms of pulmonic inflammation, resembled those which are exhibited after peripneumonia notha ; viz. sanguineous congestion of one or more entire lobes, with mucous and purulent engorgement of the bronchiæ, a florid hue of the entire pleura of one or both cavities, with serous effusion, coagula, and recent adhæsions.

French citations of adhæsion

1735 1743 1894
1st c. 2nd c. 3rd c. 4th c. 5th c. 6th c. 7th c. 8th c. 9th c. 10th c. 11th c. 12th c. 13th c. 14th c. 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1735, unknown, Bibliotheque Britannique, page #16:
    On dit en premier lieu qy’il n’y a nulle adhæſion entre les ſecondines & la matrice de pluſieurs animaux vivipares pendant un long‐tems depuis la conception , il faut bien que pendant ce tems là le fœtus ſe nouriſſe par la bouche , puiſqu’il ne reçoit rien de la mere.
  • 1743, unknown, Recherches Philosophiques, pages 240–241:
    Car ſans parler de ceux que mes ſens me font eprouver à l’occaſion des corps, & qui ſe varient à l’infini , tels que ſont les ſentimens des couleurs , des odeurs , des faveurs , des ſons ; ceux qu’ils me donnent de l’adhæſion , de la dureté , de la flexibilité , de l’elaſticité , & des effets qui en reſultent ; []
  • 1894, Francis, Œuvres de Saint François de Sales, Chapter III., page #406:
    En fin, quand cett’union est non seulement tres serree et estroitte, mais (a) que la chose unie peut malaysement estre separee et desprise, [comme une] greffe qui s’attache a l’arbre, elle s’apple par le grand st Thomas et les Theologiens inhæsion ou adhæsion, parce que par cett’union non seulement on est fort uni et serré, mais on est attaché, affigé, collé a la chose, on se tient a elle, on est pris l’un a l’autre en sorte quil y a peyne de s’en desprendre ; []