Citations:alley cat

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English citations of alley cat

Noun: "one with low sexual morals"

  • 2012, Susanna de Vries, Royal Mistresses of the House of Hanover-Windsor: Secrets, Scandals and Betrayals[1], →ISBN:
    Mrs Keppel's critics claimed she had the morals of an alley cat. However, Alice Keppel was not indiscriminate like an alley cat. She was highly selective in her choice of lovers
  • 2018, Elizabeth Spann Craig, Cleaning is Murder: A Myrtle Clover Cozy Mystery, #13[2], →ISBN:
    " [] He had the morals of an alley cat when it came to women and he couldn't be faithful to save his life. [] "

Noun: "a sexually promiscuous man"

  • 2000, Howard Sundwall, Slasher[3], →ISBN:
    " [] What's the man's name?" A silly, sing-song voice: "Don Juan." "I see. I take it that he goes out with a lot of women." "He doesn't go out with them . . . He's an alley cat."
  • 2004, Fern Michaels, Payback[4], →ISBN:
    " [] We were happy. At least I was. I never, ever dreamed he was . . . seeing other women. I suspect now that he was an alley cat from the beginning. [] "
  • 2007, Lora Leigh, Dangerous Games[5], →ISBN:
    "Mace pets every woman's ass." He gave in and shook his head as he looked between the two of them. "He's a Romeo." "He's an alley cat," she snapped.
  • 2016, H. P. Vincenti, The Othello Syndrome[6], →ISBN:
    'What risk did Gillian present? She wasn't his patient and she was over the age of consent?' 'Richard wouldn't foul his own nest,' Karen said. 'Gillian was his son's babysitter. She was too close to home. He's not an alley cat like some men.'

Noun: "a male prostitute"

  • 2011, Tionne Rogers, Into the Lion's Den[7], →ISBN:
    " [] Besides, he's not a paid boy toy who can be put in a flat and visit whenever you want some fun. He comes from two noble families, he's not an alley cat, Ivan."

Noun: "a feral, physically dangerous man"

  • 2001, Tamara McKinley, Jacaranda Vines[8], →ISBN:
    'Don't ever underestimate the opponent, Tom. Jack might be drunk but he's an alley cat. He'll fight until his last breath, and fight dirty and all. [] '
  • 2022, Stephen Cassady, quoting Ray Krouse, Field of Play: 60 Years of NFL Photography[9], →ISBN:
    " [] 'Watch out for him. He's an alley cat–he'll fight you. He don't care how big you are.'"