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English citations of anæmiæ

Noun: plural of anæmia

1869 1891 1899
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1869, William B. Carpenter and Henry Power, Principles of Human Physiology, John Churchill & Sons; Chapter XI, page #459:
    In another case, recorded by Vogel, of cancer of the liver, scarcely one‐fourth of the normal quantity of urea was found in the urine ; and Heller has shown that the proportion of urea is diminished in chronic nervous affections, and in anæmiæ, however produced.‡
  • 1891, William T. Councilman and Henri A. Lafleur in The Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports; Volume II, page #456:
    Further studies will show whether it differs materially from secondary anæmiæ due to other causes.
  • 1899, Alonzo Englebert Taylor in Cyclopædia of the Diseases of Children, Medical and Surgical, J. B. Lippincott Company; Volume V, page #485:
    FOR convenience’ sake the anæmiæ will be considered as primary and secondary.   The secondary anæmiæ fall under the consideration of this section only as they are of importance in the study of the essential blood‐diseases, and since in such cases symptoms which are due to the anæmiæ and not to the primary condition are in the main the same as those presented by the primary anæmiæ, only the blood‐changes themselves in the secondary anæmiæ will be briefly summarized, in order that they may be compared with those to be described as existing in the primary anæmiæ.