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French citations of aquæduc and aquæducs

1st c. 2nd c. 3rd c. 4th c. 5th c. 6th c. 7th c. 8th c. 9th c. 10th c. 11th c. 12th c. 13th c. 14th c. 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1641, Théophile Gelée, L’Anatomie Françoise[1], page 287:
    Or il conuient commencer par le foye , lequel ( ſelon Hyppocrate ) eſt la radication des veines, la boutique de la ſanguification, le magazin du ſang,l’architecte de l’eſpirit naturel, & le principe des veines, non de generation, mais de diſtribution : par leſquelles comme par des aquæducs & ruiſſeaux il arrouſe la republique de tous les membres , & nourrit comme vn Prince liberal la famille de tout le corps à ſes propres couſts & deſpens.
    However it should start with the liver, which (according to Hippocrates) is the rooting of the veins, the shop of blood production, the storehouse of blood, the architect of the natural spirit, and the source of veins, not of generation but of distribution: by which, as by aqueducts and streams, it waters the republic of all the limbs, and feeds like a generous prince the whole body's family its own costs and expenses.