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English citations of babyfic

Noun: "(countable, fandom slang) a fanfic which focuses on one or more characters welcoming and/or caring for a baby"

1999 2000 2001 2003
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1999 February 21, JenR13 [username], “EW: "Meant to Be?" Chapter 4/? by Jen”, in[1] (Usenet):
    I wrote a true "babyfic", but I’m[sic] a sap at heart and this probably shows my true sappiness. :-)
  • 2000 May 28, kbxf [username], “xfc: NEW: Shades of Blue (1/2) by KatyBlue”, in[2] (Usenet):
    Hoo boy... who ever thought I would write a babyfic either? CC made me do it!
  • 2001 March 16, frogdoggie [username], “NEW: I Heard the Roar of Thunder 04/04 NC-17 M/SC/SK”, in[3] (Usenet):
    I made Krycek a hero when I usually prefer to write him as a villain, and I wrote another babyfic, but since I've done them before it's only fair that it's 1/2 choice.
  • 2003 May 9, ASC Awards [username], “Re: ASC Awards Dinner: VOY 5/7”, in alt.startrek.creative[4] (Usenet):
    "Hello all," Jerie says, "I'm here to accept this Award on Seema's behalf. She is very grateful for your feedback on this story but I'm now afraid that she will continue on in this vein. When she told me that she was writing a J/C babyfic, I told her 'no no no' and she went and did it anyway."
  • 2003 August 30, Rocky, “Re: NEW:VOY "Life Support" 1/1 [PG-13] J/C (challenge)”, in alt.startrek.creative[5] (Usenet):
    I'm sure there are at least a few 'babyfics' out there like that, complete with diapers.

Noun: "(uncountable, fandom slang) such fan fiction collectively"

1998 1999 2000 2001 2003 2010
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1998 September 6, JenRose, “Rec: Iolokus IV: Res Judicata- Actually ranting, raving praise.”, in[6] (Usenet):
    This is babyfic with a realistic drooly biting babbler in the starring role.
  • 1999 August 17, Teddi Litman, “Re: A Fan Fic Challenge Please Read”, in[7] (Usenet):
    I find that a bit hard to believe! Is it X-Files fanfic you've been reading for "a VERY long time?" Pretty much every other story has that plot development. Babyfic is *extremely* popular.
  • 1999 August 21, Brandon Ray, “xfc: NEW: Ever Man Has His Price (1/1)”, in[8] (Usenet):
    This one is all Paulette's fault. She's the one who got me stirred up on the topic of babyfic, by informing me that some folks on a mailing list she belongs to had asserted that Scully can never get pregnant.
  • 1999 September 7, tuatha, “Re: Medical question”, in[9] (Usenet):
    That's just me, but since I've read 101 different versions of Scully babyfic, many with highly inventive ways to overcome the Scully fertility question, I'm not going to complain about a story that uses the chip for any purpose the author chooses.
  • 2000 April 25, frolicking_nomad [username], “Re: thoughts on "Hollywood A.D." (minor spoilers)”, in[10] (Usenet):
    There's also the "they missed a few" scenario, always popular in babyfic. It would be quite difficult to remove *all* the ova from both ovaries.
  • 2000 September 1, Starbuck031992 [username], “NEW: Will (1/1) by little scully”, in[11] (Usenet):
    Ok, so we'll never get this scenario on the show, but I thought it would be interesting to try something other than Requiem babyfic and more along the lines of "kidfic." I found myself wondering what Mulder and Scully's son might be like and how Scully would handle the awesome responsibility of raising him alone.
  • 2000 October 19, Deslea R. Judd, “NEW Not My Lover Author's Afterword Deslea R. Judd”, in[12] (Usenet):
    Children are immensely important in Not My Lover - Mare is pregnant three times, and the couple adopt four children over the five year period covered by the story - but I wouldn't class Not My Lover as 'babyfic', as that genre has become known in X Files fandom.
  • 2001 January 13, chris and steph, “a challenge of sorts?”, in[13] (Usenet):
    When I saw them I thought they might inspire some Sc/Sk babyfic and I'd be interested in seeing what resulted.
  • 2001 May 17, Susanne Barringer, “xfc: REV: Ersatz Promises (1/8) Schramm & Barringer”, in[14] (Usenet):
    This is NOT a Post-Requiem story. We started this well over a year before that episode aired. Similarities are purely coincidental and really pissed us off (Yeah, thanks Chris Carter for ruining our version of babyfic!).
  • 2001 May 20, Daska K., “Beware the onslaught....”, in[15] (Usenet):
    Yep, we're headed for an onslaught of sappy babyfic. Hang onto your hats, girls and boys! <g>
  • 2001 June 17, Mish, “xfc: NEW: My Favorite Day, 1 of 1”, in[16] (Usenet):
    And though I swore to never, ever do babyfic, I guess this qualifies.
  • 2003, Robin Silbergleid, "'The Truth We Both Know': Readerly Desire and Heteronarrative in The X-Files", Studies in Popular Culture, Volume 25, Issue 3, April 2003, page 61:
    Whereas fan fiction has been understood to be primarily about sex and subversive readings — as Jenkins' work on female fans and "slash" suggests — babyfic on the other hand, demonstrates the need to contain and work through the extreme possibilities of the canon.
  • 2010 July 31, neoxphile [username], “Writers, please submit your baby/kidfics to The Nursery Files”, in[17] (Usenet):
    In a month or so I plan to begin the update process again at The Nursery Files, which as you probably know is the X-Files babyfic/kidfic archive.