Citations:be after

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English citations of be after

Irish English

  • 1875, Patrick Kennedy, Evenings in the Duffrey, page 283:
    He was after walking on the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday before, all the way from the County Limerick, where his brother, Father John, has a parish; and you may believe, the poor man was tired
  • 1906, Lady Gregory, “A Miracle Play”, in The Shanachie, volume 1:
    Mother: Let him get away out of this now, himself and his share of songs. Look at the way he has your bib destroyed that I was after washing in the morning!
  • 2004, Joseph O'Connor, Star of the Sea[1], page 40:
    When I woke up it was black-dark and the music was after stopping. I could taste the bread I was after eating in the dream, as sweet and luscious as any I ever knew
  • 2004, Tabor Evans, Longarm and the Great Milk Train Robbery:
    He asked directions to the dairy those milk cans had shown up late at. Corrigan pointed back the way he'd come and explained, “You'd have been after riding past their loading platform because they don't have their sign overlooking where the train would be after stopping.
  • 2008, M. P. Shiel, The Black Box, page 45:
    "Yes. And where were you when the flood broke loose?" / "I would be most of the way to the Old House then. O'Loughlin was after running in wild to tell me he was hearing the Banshee out at The Old House, [] ."