Citations:be like

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English citations of be like

Verb: "to say"

  • 1999, Lauraine Leblanc, Pretty in Punk: Girls' Gender Resistance in a Boys' Subculture:
    they all freaked out and they were like, "Fuck that." And they were looking for the guy all night.
  • 2004, Garbi Schmidt, Islam in urban America: Sunni Muslims in Chicago:
    And I was like, "Salam 'alaykum." And he was like, "'Alaykum al-salam." and then he started. He started! And he was, like, "How are you?" and he just went on,...
  • 2004 Todd Gilchrist, Science Fiction Weekly
    ...because every day you would get to set, and it would be like, "Wait, with this set these puppets can't do that. The puppets can't do what's in the storyboard." And they're like, "Oh yeah, f--k, what do we do?" and we're like, "All of you just f--kin' back off. We're going to do what we do."
  • 2005, Pamela Bettis, Natalie Guice Adams, Geographies of Girlhood: Identities In-Between:
    And sit there and be like "oh! oh!" and stay there in their sphere"