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English citations of becomable

becomable: unclear

  • 1888, Frederick Victor Dickins, The Old Bamboo-hewer's Story, page 73:
    The following slightly complex sentence fairly illustrates the general structure of the language. Ware 'I,' asa 'morning,' [...] ko 'child,' ni naritamobeki 'becomable,' hito 'person,' nameri 'seems,' i.e. this person would seem properly to be considered as a child (whom) I have known (i.e. my child), having been (being) existent [...] every morning.
  • 1904, Emmett Jay Scott, The Tuskegee Negro Conferences:
    what an orderly good natured set of young people, eagerly responsive to every inquiry and want of the school's guests. No wonder an old farmer was led to pay tribute to them in these words: “I never expected in my lifetime to see so mannerable, so behavable and so becomable a crowd of young people as I sees here.”

becomable: able to be become

  • 1994, Repercussions - Volumes 3-4:
    In the Lacanian model, Self is constituted by an encounter with a mirror; the concept of I is becomable as a concept when split off, observable.