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English citations of bioboy

fictional sense

  • 1967(?), Harlan Ellison, Dangerous Visions (2012 reprint: →ISBN):
    There is a rumor, fostered by Luscus, that he will permit the bioboys to put in an artificial protein eye when he sees the works of an artist great enough to justify focal vision.
  • 1997, Paul Di Filippo, Ciphers: a novel, page 143:
    "I think the bug's eating away at him, myself. He's holding it until the engineers can make it perfect. They had one failure already, you know. What am I saying, of course you know about that, who doesn't, and so they're awfully leery, the bioboys, they don't want another screwup."
  • 2013, Ian McDonald, The Broken Land (→ISBN)
    The bioboy's forehead was studded with terminals. Biocircuitry coiled back over each ear and clung with small curved claws to the nape of his neck.

cisgender sense

  • 2000, Pat Califia, No Mercy (→ISBN), page 135:
    Bioboys don't do this. There's too much direct pleasure for them in fucking. They lose touch, at some point, with the person around the cunt or the ass they are in, and they do what they need to do to come.


  • 2013, Restoried Selves: Autobiographies of Queer Asian / Pacific American Activists (→ISBN, edited by Kevin Kumashiro):
    [...] and then, after two and a half years, she left me for a bio-boy.