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English citations of catægis

  • 1733 or 1734, William Dugdale (translator), Peter Shaw (editor of the English), Bernhard Varenius (author), and Isaac Newton and James Jurin (editors of the Latin), A Compleat Syſtem of General Geography, London: Stephen Austen (second edition, 1734), book one: “The Abſolute, or Independent Part”, chapter XXI, proposition xii, page 525:
    THE Cauſe of it, no doubt, is that the Wind ruſhing to a certain Point, is obſtructed, and returns on it ſelf, and is thus turned around, as we ſee in Water that turns round about in a Vortex, when it meets with an Obſtacle; or it may come from furious Winds meeting one another, which renders the Sea plain, and daſhes againſt the Ships between them. If this Wind blow from above, ‛tis called Catægis.
  • 1830, Algernon Herbert, Nimrod: A Discourse on Certain Passages of History and Fable, volume four, part II, London: Richard Priestley (1830), chapter v, “The Deluge”, page 321:
    Upon this passage I must observe that καταιγις, the lowering of the ægis, is a word nearly equivalent to κατουλας, but superadds the idea of tempest to that of gloom; and resembles the Scriptural phrase of bowing the heavens, “Bow thy heavens, O Lord, and come down; touch the mountains and they shall smoke.” The armour of Minerva, which perturbed the earth, and the waters beneath, and the course of the sun on high, was her ægis or catægis; but, when she flung it off, the sun journeyed again and there was joy in heaven.