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English citations of chorkor

Noun: "an oven for smoking food"

  • 1991, Florence Abena Dolphyne, The Emancipation of Women: An African Perspective[1], page 77:
    The chorkor oven, as it became known, had been designed by the Food Research Institute in close collaboration with the women of []
  • 1994, Naila Kabeer, Reversed realities: Gender Hierarchies in Development Thought[2], page 273:
    The UNIFEM project sought to introduce chorkor fish-smoking ovens because they were more efficient than the existing methods used in Konakry.
  • 2002, M.J. Williams, Global Symposium on Women in Fisheries[3], page 153:
    Chorkor ovens developed to smoke fish by artisanal fisheries in Ghana and Nigeria are helping to reduce the consumption of firewood, lighten the workload of women and improve incomes.