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English citations of civilogue

2010 2011
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2011 — Matt Zoller Seitz, "Why I like vicious, anonymous online comments", Salon, 3 August 2010:
    Some media outlets have decided they’ve had enough of the endless juvenile trolling and hate-mongering, and have either adopted a stricter moderation policy (such as Politics Daily’s calling for a “civilogue”) or forced would-be commenters to fill out forms supplying information that would make it easier to track their identities and ban them if they run afoul of the site’s rules.
  • 2011 — Jeffrey Weiss, "'Death Panels' and a Real Civilogue: Readers Discuss End-of-Life Planning", Politics Daily, 8 January 2011:
    Even on one of the hot-button-est issues of the day, PD's readers proved that a civilogue is attainable.
  • 2011 — Erica Brown, "Calculations of the Spirit", Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly, 27 January 2011:
    President Obama is to be commended for insisting on greater “civilogue” in this country in his State of the Union address.
  • 2011 — David Olive, "Why bloggers quit", Everybody's Business (Toronto Star blog), 27 February 2011:
    The notion of "civilogue" doesn't apply to this blog, whose comments are something of an oasis of civility and common sense that is an exception among most of the scores of online publications I peruse.