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English citations of cronell

  • 1911, Hugh Chisholm, The Encyclopædia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information, page 104:
    KNIGHTS JOUSTING WITH CRONELLS ON THEIR LANCES . French MS . early XIV Century . ( Royal MS . 14 E. iii . ) n Le xnants i 1 ENGLISH KNIGHTS RIDING INTO THE LISTS . From the Great Tournament Roll of 1517 ; by permission of the College of []
  • 1840, Thomas Fuller, The History of the Worthies of England. Endeavoured by Thomas Fuller. Edited by J. Fuller, page 531:
    S. a chevron betwixt three cronells ( or spear burs ) Arg . 12 Will . Willmer , arm . Sywell 13 God . Chibnall , arm . Orlebere . 14 Tho . Brooke , mil . ut prius . 15 Hat . Farmer , mil . ut prius . 16 Sim . Norwich , mil . Branton .
  • 1865, James jun Raine, Testamenta Eboracensia Or Wills Registered at York: Testamenta Eboracensia ; A selection of wills from the registry at York, page 230:
    2nd and 3rd , three cronells ( of a spear ) sable . Above it , a square plate bearing the inscription . " ( Torre's York Minster , MS . 171. ) Pakenham was a benefactor to the Minster , giving to it , in particular , several pieces of []
  • 1929, Oxfordshire Record Society, Oxfordshire Record Series:
    On a chevron ingrailed between 3 close eagles 3 cinque foyles ; on a cheif a fleur de lis between 2 cronells of a tilt spear . The creast is a stagges head cooped holding in his mouth a branch a 230 PAROCHIAL COLLECTIONS . > of a tree .