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English citations of cuirass

  • 1843 — The wealthier chiefs sometimes wore, instead of this cotton mail, a cuirass made of thin plates of gold, or silver. — William H. Prescott, History of the Conquest of Mexico, Book 1, Chapter 2
  • 1843 — They were of the most miscellaneous kind; shields, helmets, cuirasses, embossed with plates and ornaments of pure gold ... — William H. Prescott, History of the Conquest of Mexico, Book 2, Chapter 6
  • 1843 — Over this the wealthier Indians wore cuirasses of thin gold plate, or silver. — William H. Prescott, History of the Conquest of Mexico, Book 3, Chapter 3
  • 1843 — ... the best of the gold chains which they wore in tawdry display over their poor habiliments — for a steel morion or cuirass, to take the place of their own hacked and battered armour. — William H. Prescott, History of the Conquest of Mexico, Book 4, Chapter 7
  • 1843 — ... the rocky avalanche thundered on their heads with a fury against which steel helm and cuirass were as little defence as gossamer. — William H. Prescott, History of the Conquest of Mexico, Book 6, Chapter 3