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English citations of cursour


ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 16th Century, Alexander Trumble, The Poetical Works of Gavin Douglas[1], page 57:
    Item, I haue raisit ane prouisioun apoun the Deanry of Glasgow for Mastir Jonne Irwyne eftir youre Lordschipis writingis, and I shall send your Lordschip copiis of the samin, with the next cursour.
  • 16th Century, Stewart, Ancient Scottish Poems[2], page 192:
    Now lerges of my Lord Bothwell,
    The quilk in fredome dois excell ;
    He gaif to me a cursour gray,
    Worth all this sort that I with meel,
    For lerges of this new‐yeir day.
  • 1594, David Lyndesay, The Historie of ane Nobil and Wailȝeand Sqvyer, William Meldrum, Vmqvhyle Larid of Cleische and Bynnis[3], page 331:
    He lap vpon his Cursour wicht,
    And straucht him in his stirroppis richt.