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English citations of dictatourship and dictatourſhip

Noun: antiquated spelling of dictatorship

ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1686 C.E., S. de Broë and Tho. Otway, The History of the Triumvirates., Charles Brome; volume II, chapter VI, page #294:
    Then he made a report of all thoſe Titles of Honour which had been given to Cæſar, his Dictatourſhip, his being ſeveral rimes Conſul, with the Name of the Father of his Countiey, from thence he paſſed on to his Vertues, praiſing his Courage, his Eloquence, his Humanity, and his Mildneſs, which was ſo great, ſaid he, that he was never able to withhold his good inclinations, even from thoſe who offend him.