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English citations of ecoenzyme

an enzyme that shows ecophysiological reactions by mediating adaptations while becoming modified in the process.
  • 1999, Plant Responses to Environmental Stresses, page 407:
    The authors introduce the concept of the ecoenzyme that both mediates adaptations to stress as well as being itself modified.
    • 2001, Paul Falkowski, Yair Rosenthal, “Biological diversity and resource plunder in the geological record:Casual correlations or causal relationships?”, in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, page 4290:
      This is approximately the ecoenzyme ribulose 1,5 biscally through local logical compensation point for C3 plants.
    • 2016, Robert L. Sinsabaugh, Jayne Belnap, Jennifer Rudgers, Cheryl R. Kuske, Noelle Martinez, Darren Sandquist, “Soil microbial responses to nitrogen addition in arid ecosystems.”, in Thulani P. Makhalanyane, Don Cowan, Jean-Baptiste Ramond, editors, Microbial Ecology of Arid Terrestrial Systems, page 20:
      Mantel tests were conducted to examine relationships among soil nutrient, ecoenzyme, and foliar chemistry response matrices.
an enzyme that acts as a catalyst to an environmentally friendly reaction
  • 2016, Sanjeev Rajput, Geological Controls for Gas Hydrates and Unconventionals, page 86:
    Free-living bacteria use diversified hydrolytic ecoenzymes to progressively break down particles to polymers and then depolymerize the dimers and monomers.