Citations:go ER

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English citations of go ER

Verb: "(incel slang) to commit an indiscriminate mass murder, particularly one that targets women"

2018 2019 2020 2021
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2018, anonymous, quoted in Rebecca Karlén, "Incels: En kartläggning av diskursen på", thesis submitted to Uppsala University, page 30:
    As far as I know, femoids going ER are extremely rare or maybe non-existent.
  • 2019, Olivia Young, "What Role Has Social Media Played in Violence Perpetrated by Incels?", thesis submitted to Chapman University, page 21:
    The favorable reference to Rodger already implies the encouragement of such violence, and many posts go as far as to recommend taking violent action. In figure 11, the poster suggests another user should “go ER” on his family, meaning kill them.
  • 2020, Annie Jones, "Incels and the Manosphere: Tracking Men's Movements Online", thesis submitted to the University of Central Florida, page 71:
    Go find some soycuck [dominated man]/foid [woman] hangout and go ER in GTAV.
  • 2020, Bruce Hoffman, Jacob Ware & Ezra Shapiro, "Assessing the Threat of Incel Violence", Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Volume 43, Issue 7:
    Arguably, the most effective way to prevent an incel from “going ER” is by proactively addressing his suicidal impulses.
  • 2020, Albina Laskovtsov, "Navigating The Manosphere: An Examination Of The Incel Movements’ Attitudes Of Sexual Aggression And Violence Against Women", thesis submitted to Eastern Kentucky University, page 42:
    One incel writes, “If we all go ER at once we’d accomplish so much more” (Picture 18, 2019, April).
  • 2020, "BrapZilian", quoted in Ida Lewenhaupt, "Passive radicalisation without mobilisation: A narrative analysis of collective identities and emotions as driving forces of online radicalisation", thesis submitted to Swedish Defence University, page 31:
    Going ER is an act of justice, this is proof of it.
  • 2020, anonymous, quoted in Emma Nyström, "'What becomes of the broken-hearted?': En socialantropologisk studie om männen som kallar sig incels", thesis submitted to Lund University, page 35:
    Normies wont stop bullying male virgins and are comfortable with men going er since odds are them or someone they know getting hurt is very slim
  • 2020, Katrine Rummelhoff, "Incels and Misogyny; what’s so appealing about hatred?", thesis submitted to the University of Oslo, page 49:
    Incels express that they understand this tendency to snap, but that in reality is it’s useless, and they should not “go ER” (stands for Eliot Rodger and is used as shorthand for a mass shooting), instead every man just has to take it until he ropes.
  • 2021, Simon Cottee, "Incel (E)motives: Resentment, Shame and Revenge," Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Volume 44, Issue 2:
    Although Minassian acted alone, he was an active participant in a fringe online subculture that gave him an identity and facilitated his turn to violence – what incels call “going ER”.
  • 2021, anonymous, quoted in Hugo Engholm, "The lack of looks: A study on the Incel ideology of Incelism during the 2010s–2020s and its relation to historical and contemporary ideologies particularly within far right milieus", thesis submitted to the University of Uppsala, page 53:
    The feeling of hate particularly is the key reason for users to encourage people to “go ER”.
  • 2021, anonymous, quoted in Rosa Auf der Strasse & Ebba Philipson, "My loneliness is killing me (and everyone else): En kvalitativ studie om hur incels diskuterar våld online", thesis submitted to Kristianstad University, page 29:
    Yes, because there will always be some self-proclaimed incel out there who will go ER.