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  • 1764, The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature, page 297:
    Was not one of the finest remains of antiquity in the world, we mean the temple of Terminus, demolished the other day by a Gothified Scotchman, to serve as materials for making the head of a mill-dam?

Gothic architecture

  • 1882, Irish Builder and Engineer, page 168:
    Immediately at the corner was a curious little Gothified lodge, in which a few of the constabulary did duty.
  • 1949, Aron Andersson, English Influence in Norwegian and Swedish Figuresculpture in Wood, 1220-1270:
    Fine drapery and small heads with slight, “Gothified” features may thus in agreement with Prior & Gardner be considered to belong to the latest works of the school.
  • 1999 August 14, Gerrit Bigalski, “faq2”, in soc.history.medieval[1] (Usenet):
    Here in Münster at the tower of St. Lamberti are still hanging the three cages in which the anabaptist leaders had been displayed after execution in 1535. (Okay, the churchtower is a 19th century 'gothified' replacement, and the original cages are actually in the Landesmuseum - but you still can see cages high up at a churchtower here. ;-)

Gothic literature

  • 1990, Frederick S. Frank, Through the Pale Door: A Guide to and Through the American Gothic, Greenwood:
    But Calavar also qualifies as Gothified history in its presentation of the life and fortunes of the halfmad knight, St. John Calavar and his romantic nephew, Amador.
  • 2003 January 2, Horace Walpole, The Castle of Otranto and The Mysterious Mother, Broadview Press, →ISBN, page 346:
    Gothified history presents an imaginary middle ages or invented past to startle and excite the audience. Thomas Leland's Longsword, Earl of Salisbury is an early example of Gothified history.
  • 2004, Appalachian Journal:
    The Nashville bandmates surf and shimmy and make a vaudevillian spectacle of themselves, but their best spins, their grotesque storytelling and gothified gospel, are powered by the same macabre undercurrents as Tom Waits.

Gothic subculture or fashion

  • 1999 March 7, klaatu, “[DC][New Club Review] Catacomb DC”, in dc.general[2] (Usenet):
    What I must comment on most strongly was the profusion of seriously gothified people in attendance. Some of these folks had obviously put a lot of time into their outfits and they looked very good. Others, such as myself, contented themselves with the simple basics of just wearing all black
  • 2000 November 5, Josh Hammonds, “An Evening With Orgy”, in[3] (Usenet):
    Yeah, I'll be getting all gothified and everything. My friend and I are gonna walk there from his apartment...only about half a mile away.
  • 2003 November 3, Alan Winston - SSRL Admin Cmptg Mgr, “Mundanes' secret weapon?”, in rec.arts.sf.fandom[4] (Usenet):
    Lydia is still somewhat Gothified (very dark hair, fairly pale face, I think) but she's not doing the full Morticia she was earlier.