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English citations of gustatorize

counterpart of "visualize" with regard to taste

  • 1913, American Journal of Education, page 18: / 1914, Western Teacher: Devoted to Schoolroom Methods. Practical Aids and Usable Materials for Progressive Teachers, page 18:
    Certain would-be educators, [] tell us that we must depend wholly upon the visualization of numbers and of letters by the pupil in teaching arithmetic and spelling. [] Salt, pepper, mustard, licorice, peppermint, and some other things might be tasted all at once, or each separately, and thus simple numbers might be gustatorized. []
  • 1918, Harry Franklin Covington, The Fundamentals of Debate, page 262:
    He should endeavor not only to visualize but also to auralize, to kinesthetize, to tactualize, to olfactorize, and to gustatorize. In such ways will he learn to make the invisible visible, the inaudible audible, and to explore the mystery of the  []