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English citations of hathos

Noun: "enjoyment derived from hatred of a person or thing"

1992 1996 2003 2009 2010
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1992 — Chris Tucker, "Buying Bob Tilton? Let the Believer Beware", D Magazine, July 1992:
    Besides an enlarged hathos gland, what makes me watch? I don’t share Tilton’s faith or his theology. Maybe I’m trying to glimpse what makes sick and dying people send him their money instead of spending it on medical treatment or leaving it to their families.
  • 1996Rod Dreher, "Hate it, Love it", Sun-Sentinel, 7 January 1996:
    The patron saint of hathos connoisseurs, H.L. Mencken, was a brave soul, but even a fellow as sturdy and unstinting as he might have been struck dumb in the presence of the extravagantly hathotic Kathie Lee Gifford.
  • 2003Andrew Sullivan, "Drudge and O'Reilly", The Washington Times, 19 December 2003:
    I wonder how much of his ratings are based on hathos — the enjoyment you get from hating someone, the same delicious feeling you get reading a Paul Krugman column or listening to Senator Biden.
  • 2009Matthew Continetti, "Bachmann and Palin Have Met Before", Weekly Standard, 7 December 2009:
    The left is having a hathos-moment, giddily pointing out that Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann are scheduled to meet today in the Twin Cities.
  • 2010John Podhoretz, "Abu Dhabi Do", Weekly Standard, 7 June 2010:
    The episode of the Merv Griffin Show that so inspired Heard a quarter-century ago has now been supplanted in the annals of hathos by the epic new cinematic document named Sex and the City 2.