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English citations of hause-col

variant spelling of hausse-col
  • 1857, John Burley Waring, A Handbook to the Museum of Ornamental Art in the Art Treasures Exhibition, page 59:
    The lower portion of the visage is guarded by a piece called the hause col, rising above the chin, and almost meeting the rim of the salade. The breast and backplates are of exquisite form and workmanship; ...
  • 2003, James Robinson Planché, An Illustrated Dictionary of Historic Costume: From the First Century B.C. to C. 1760, Courier Corporation (→ISBN), page 367:
    MENTONIÈRE. A chin-piece, sometimes confounded with the beaver, its purpose being similar. It differed from the beaver in its not being attached to the helmet, as the latter was, and which also worked up and down upon a pivot or screw, while the mentonière was fastened to the breastplate or placate, and, like the hause-col, protected the neck as well as the chin, []
  • 2019, Arthur Charles Fox-Davies, A Complete Guide to Heraldry, Good Press
    A grooved rim round the bottom of the helmet fitted closely on a salient rim at the top of the steel gorget or hause col, so that when placed on its gorget and closed, it could not be wrenched off, but could yet be moved round freely in ...