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English citations of homocapitalism

  • 2014 — Bronwyn Winter, The ‘Ties that Bind Us’: The Hidden Knots of Gay Marriage. Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies. January 2014.
    «In a country that has since the beginning of the Howard years, and well into the Rudd then Gillard years, grappled with the incessant and growing demonisation of asylum seekers in particular and Muslims in general, or indeed anyone else who is other than white, professional and heterosexual (or modelled in that image), arguments such as Grieg’s can appear at best clumsy and at worst, to be homonationalism (or homocapitalism) of the worst kind.»
  • 2015 — Rahul Rao, Global homocapitalism. Radical Philosophy. November 2015.
    «The term homocapitalism has been in circulation for some time, largely on social media, and largely as a critique of gay assimilationist politics in the USA and Western Europe. In its everyday usage, it builds on concepts like homonormativity and homonationalism to signify the selective incorporation of some race, class and gender sanitized queers into capitalism and the disavowal of others through a liberal politics of recognition that obviates the need for redistribution.»
  • 2017 — Hannah Cowan, Homophobic rainbow garlands: the homocommercialism of Brighton Pride. Disruptive Inequalities. 22 September 2017.
    «The homocapitalism of Brighton Pride is more than just an acceptance of corporate sponsorship. It is an invitation to (literally) contain the meaning of the campaign and to commodify the experience of being gay to one that is based solely on drinking, partying, and dressing up. In doing so it includes people who actively work against the original meaning of the campaign.»