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English citations of homopatriarchy

  • 2006 — Tim Coles and Andrew Church, Tourism, Power and Space. Routledge
    «Moreover, in nominally homosexual leisure and tourism spaces excluding processes function further where the homopatriarchy of gay male practices can exclude lesbians and other males with marginalised sexual identities.»
  • 2017 — Nadine Cattan and Anne Clerval A right to the city? Virtual networks and ephemeral centralities for lesbians in Paris. Justice spatiale - Spatial justice, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense.
    «In their study of Manchester, Pritchard et al. (2002) show how sexuality and gender contribute to the exclusion of women from public places and how, in the gay "village", heteropatriarchy and homopatriarchy join forces to prevent the appropriation by lesbians of this homosexual space.»