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English citations of hyperæsthesiæ

Noun: plural of hyperæsthesia

1877 1882 1893
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1877, Cyclopædia of the Practice of Medicine, William Wood and Company; Volume XIV., page #550:
    Also in a second case of hysteria with a fatal result, related by Wunderlich, the disease was chronic ; a patient who had suffered for years from all possible hysterical symptoms, paralyses, hyperæsthesiæ, loss of sight and smell, going on even to difficulty in swallowing, and vomiting, fell into a state of marasmus, without evident physical cause, got more and more emaciated, and finally died with febrile symptoms, without the necropsy revealing changes within or without the nervous system which could be regarded as the cause of the phenomena observed.
  • 1882, Edward Long Fox in The Medical Times and Gazette, J. & A. Churchill; Volume II., page #271:
    In a similar way, we meet with hyperæsthesiæ of the solar, mesenteric, hypogastric, and spermatic plexuses.
  • 1893, T. Johnson‐Alloway and F. Buller in The Montreal Medical Journal, Gazette Printing Company; Volume XXI., pages 344–345:
    At or about sixty years the hyperæsthesiæ are likely to subside entirely, at least in so far as the optic and fifth nerves are concerned.