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English citations of hyperstitious

pertaining to cultural self-fulfilling prophecies or superstitions (beliefs that events may be influenced by one's behaviour) which culture makes self-fulfilling
  • 2019, Roger Burrows, “Urban Futures and The Dark Enlightenment: A Brief Guide for the Perplexed”, in Keith Jacobs, Jeff Malpas, editors, Philosophy and the City: Interdisciplinary and Transcultural Perspectives, Rowman & Littlefield, →ISBN, page 254:
    They are just one example of the NRx envisioning of the emergence of a complex patchwork of small, competing, gov-corps—autonomous gated communities, city-states, even ‘off-world’ communities (think Elon Musk)—much as described in the hyperstitious Snow Crash by Neil Stephenson as far back as 1992.
  • 2022 December 5, Joanna Godlewicz-Adamiec, Paweł Piszczatowski, Neha Khetrapal, Piotr Kociumbas, Christian Struck, Justyna Włodarczyk, TRANSPOSITIONES 2022 Vol. 1, Issue 2: Intraconnectedness and World-making: Technologies, Bodies, Matters: Journal for Transdisciplinary and Intermedial Cultural Studies / Zeitschrift für transdisziplinäre und intermediale Kulturforschung, V&R unipress, →ISBN, page 60:
    They use the term "hyperstition" to describe cultural self-fulfilling prophecies. [...] Dr Linda Trent (a presumably fictional character created by the CCRU and/or Maria De Rosario) states: It's not a simple matter of true or false with hyperstitious systems. Belief here doesn't have a simply passive quality. The situation is closer to the modern phenomenon of hype than to religious belief as we'd ordinarily think about it. Hype actually makes things happen, and uses []
very superstitious
  • 2013 June 27, Andrew Harman, The Scrying Game, Orbit, →ISBN:
    ... in the traditional hyperstitious warding ritual (for use following an unforeseen pathcrossing by a Dreaded Black Mantric Gecko), he hurled himself headfirst into three inches of icy water, shrieked, leapt out backwards and shook himself a fraction drier []
unclear; very superstitious?
  • 2016 May 3, Salomé Jones, Cthulhu Lies Dreaming: Twenty-Three Tales of the Weird and Cosmic, Ghostwoods Books, →ISBN:
    ... hyperstitious journal of demonology and the occult. Evey Brett lives in southern Arizona with two cats and a Lipizzan mare. She's been published with Lethe Press, Cleis Press, Pathfinder Web Fiction and elsewhere and has attended []
unclear; self-fulfilling / behaviour influencing events?
  • 2017 February 23, David Cecchetto, Marc Couroux, Ted Hiebert, Eldritch Priest, Ludic Dreaming: How to Listen Away from Contemporary Technoculture, Bloomsbury Publishing USA, →ISBN, page 56:
    "hyperstitiousa [] all I need is a little superstition. Well, actually, I need a little hyperstition. [...] being hyperstitious gives me a way to instrumentalize the truth of irony by making it lie, which, in a sense, makes it meaningful. In other words, being hyperstitious is a weird kind of pragmatism, one that lets me take my bullshit seriously []