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English citations of ideate


  • 1886 August 1, Charles Egbert Craddock, “In the Clouds”, in The Atlantic[1]:
    " I would have spilt his brains, not his blood; and I would have had some scientific man to find the precise section of the brain structure which ideated that theory, and I would have had it comminuted, and vaporized, and transmuted into nothingness."
  • 1896 June 1, “The Philosophy of Enjoyment of Art”, in The Atlantic[2]:
    Granting that the success of painting in its specific task depends upon making us realize three dimensions by means of two, and movements by means of objects actually motionless; and granting further that the only way in which it can make us realize space, solidity, and movement is by appealing powerfully to our ideated sense of touch,— by compelling us, in other words, to get upon our own persons the sensation of all the pressures and strains and of all the muscular tension that the objects themselves would give us in real experience, — granting all this, as we can scarcely fail to do if we have followed the argument so far, the mere statement of the question What lends itself most readily to such vivid realization?
  • 1912 May 1, Margaret Sherwood, “Characters in Recent Fiction”, in The Atlantic[3]:
    If many of the characters in recent, fiction seem over-ideated, too much the embodiment of desire or of protest, too little the result of disinterested observation and study, another class presents itself in which the opposite is true, and we find a maximum of observation of human life with a minimum of desire, or of ability, to interpret it.
  • 1964 June 12, The New York Times, “ANDERSON BOWS ON JERSEY LINKS; State Amateur Titleholder Is Put Out by De Piro”, in The New York Times[4]:
    4 and 3; Calicchio defeated Murphy, 4 and 3; Gatesy ideated Wolfe, 7 and 6: Moroney defeated Gebhardt, 19 holes; Rubino defeated Brown, 2 and 1.
  • 1968 December 1, T. S. Matthews, “About Time”, in The Atlantic[5]:
    He could "ideate" (as they used to say on Madison Avenue) at greater speed and frequency than they could, and some of his ideating turned into profitable ideas.
  • 1971 April 12, The New York Times, “A Renaissance Man”, in The New York Times[6]:
    He called these feelings "ideated sensations" and he identified several of them.
  • 1971 July 2, The New York Times, “Joint Chiefs' Order to Begin Bombing of Hanoi's Oil Facilities”, in The New York Times[7]:
    Take the following measures; maximum use of most experienced ROLLING TRUN DER personnel, detailed briefing of pilots stressing need to avoid civilians, exe cute only when weather permits visual identification of targets and improved strike accuracy, Select best axis of at tack to avoid populated areas, maxi mum use of ECM to hamper SAM and AAA fire control, in order to limit pilot distraction and improve accuracy, maxi mum use of weapons of high, precision delivery consistent with mission ob jectives, and limit SAM and AAA sup pression to sites ideated outside popu lated areas.
  • 1971 July 2, The New York Times, “The Fuel‐Depot Issue”, in The New York Times[8]:
    .. Take the following measures: maxi mum use of most experienced Rolling Thunder personnel, detailed briefing of pilots stressing need to avoid civilians, execute only when weather permits vis ual identification of targets and im proved strike accuracy, select best axis of attack to avoid popuplated areas, maximum use of ECM [electronic coun termeasures] to hamper SAM [surface to‐air missiles] and AAA [antiaircraft artillery] fire control, in order to limit pilot distraction and improve accuracy, maximum use of weapons of high pre cision delivery consistent with mission objective, and limit SAM and AAA suppression, [bombing] to sites ideated outside populated areas.
  • 1975 May 21, The New York Times, “Spirit of 30's Sculpture”, in The New York Times[9]:
    Thus, two veins of feeling representing two attitudes toward art—one absorbed in the spiritual world of pure ideated form, the other deeply responsive to the morphology of nature—combined in Dame Barbara's carvings to produce a style that tempered the severe conventions of modern abstraction with some of the nuances of the English romantic tradition.
  • 1975 June 15, The New York Times, “Deaths”, in The New York Times[10]:
    JAMES‐Julia Kissane, on June 14, 1915, native of Lochgelly‐Fife, Scotland, beloved wife of Michael Joseph James, Ideate mother of Patricia Connolly of Ridgewood, N.J., Thomas of Detroit, John of Glen kock, N.J., and Michael Joseph.
  • 1975 August 22, The New York Times, “U.S. and Soviet Offer to Outlaw Military Weather Manipulation”, in The New York Times[11]:
    Both Joseph Martin Jr., the United States representative, and Aleksei A. Roshchin of the Soviet Union stressed when they each presented a separate but ideate:ice' draft that this text was offered only as a basis) of negotiation.
  • 1977 April 13, The New York Times, “Tennis”, in The New York Times[12]:
    Aroenlina, (ideated Robert Craott, Argentina, 6‐1, O.
  • 1977 August 18, The New York Times, “Tennis”, in The New York Times[13]:
    Second Round—John Hayes, Cos Cob, Conn, (ideated Asher Kahn, New Rochelle, N.Y., 6‐3, 6‐3; Dan Waldman, Croton‐on‐Hudson, N.Y., defeated Dave Dearstein, Brightwaters, L.I., 6‐0, 7‐5.
  • 1977 December 10, The New York Times, “College Results”, in The New York Times[14]:
    {...} eterited Lanyx Harford, South Africa 6‐3, 7.5; Betty Stove, the Netherlands, ideated?
  • 1978 April 22, The New York Times, “Apartheid Held Bar to Bank Credit”, in The New York Times[15]:
    That proposal was also overwhelmingly (Ideated.
  • 1978 December 10, The New York Times, “Radio”, in The New York Times[16]:
    Overture to Rinaldo Handel; Symphony in A minor, Mendelssohn; Finale from Petite Suite, Borodin‐Glazunov; Overture to Lulsa Miller, Verdi; Piano Concerto in D minor, Rubinstein; Variations on America, Ives‐Schumann; Dance of the Furies from Orfeo Ed Euridice, Gluck; Intermezzo from In The Well, Blodek; Die Ideate, Liszt.
  • 1984 December 16, The New York Times, “ART; CLARENCE CARTER: ENIGMA”, in The New York Times[17]:
    Mr. Carter also can give one the highly ideated Transection series, picture-book views of the Ohio River near Gallipolis or a bauxite plant in Surinam.
  • 1986 October 12, The New York Times, “ART VIEW; A New Wave of French Artists At The Guggenheim”, in The New York Times[18]:
    As for their general effect, it is as if someone had taken a Persian miniature, or an ideated letter from a medieval manuscript, and reduced them to a tenth of their original size with no loss of monumentality.
  • 1987 January 4, Anthony Burgess, “THE SAINTED SLEUTH, STILL ON THE CASE”, in The New York Times[19]:
    Such characters represent a grotesquely blown-up aspect of an ideal man - not ideal in the sense of desirable, rather in the sense of conceivable if not realizable, capable of being ideated.
  • 1987 March 29, John Updike, “HOW TO MILK A MILLIONAIRE”, in The New York Times[20]:
    Berenson loved people, as if finding in them the tactile values and ideated sensations that he preached should be sought in paintings.
  • 1989 September 15, Roberta Smith, “Review/Art; Rome as Piranesi Saw It Under Archeology's Spell”, in The New York Times[21]:
    By that time, Piranesi had elevated the medium of the veduta, or topographical rendering, and its imaginary counterparts, the veduta ideate and the even more fanciful capriccio, to the level of high art.
  • 1992 June 28, The New York Times, “ART; Group Show That's a 'Bit of Incandescence'”, in The New York Times[22]:
    It seems too fleshy to exist in the ideated world the artist posits.
  • 1994 April 16, The New York Times, “Becoming Artists the Old-Fashioned Way”, in The New York Times[23]:
    "Because the medium took care of itself, they were free to ideate the way an adult could. {...}
  • 1995 July 2, Barbara Eliasson, “VOICES: FROM THE DESK OF; My Perfect Candidate Is Far From Perfect”, in The New York Times[24]:
    As a medium-energy person myself, watching this man -- in my experience, most women understate their qualifications -- as he go-gets, self-starts, ideates and visualizes, all at very high energy, would exhaust me.
  • 2001 February 13, Stuart Elliott, “THE MEDIA BUSINESS: ADVERTISING -- ADDENDA; Accounts”, in The New York Times[25]:
    HomePortfolio, Newton, Mass., which operates a home design Web site, to Ideate, Watertown, Mass., to handle its account, which had been at Kirshenbaum Bond & Partners, New York.
  • 2002 June 16, Alex Beam, “Basement Science Project”, in The New York Times[26]:
    A survivor of the stock market crash, and disgusted by Franklin Roosevelt's antibusiness rhetoric, Loomis quit Wall Street at 43 and retired to his crenelated stone tower to ideate.
  • 2002 September 8, The New York Times, “'Wayfaring at Waverly in Silver Lake'”, in The New York Times[27]:
    " 'Los Angeles is the home of ideated decoration. {...}
  • 2006 February 12, The New York Times, “Madison Avenue's 30-Second Spot Remover”, in The New York Times[28]:
    Mr. Greenberg ideates and germinates through collaboration, and he likens R/GA to a campus where people embrace what is new rather than feel afraid of or betrayed by change.
  • 2007 October 6, Simon Garfield, “Stubble trouble”, in The Guardian[29]:
    Here, Powell says, people come to 'ideate'.
  • 2010 August 3, Derek Thompson, “The Web is Dead! (Didn't We Know That, Already?)”, in The Atlantic[30]:
    Journalists are ideating!
  • 2010 September 6, Bianca Bosker, “The Future Of Tech According To Kids: Immersive, Intuitive And Down-To-Earth”, in HuffPost[31]:
    Understanding that kids are excellent innovators, Latitude Research in conjunction with ReadWriteWeb recently conducted a study asking children to ideate concepts for new computer and Web technologies - and the results are in.
  • 2010 September 14, Debbie Robins, Contributor, “CEOs: Here's One 4-Letter Word You Need to Start Using”, in HuffPost[32]:
    ➢Gives you self confidence➢Motivates you to overcome your challenges➢Helps you accomplish your goals➢Provides emotional and intellectual strength ➢Energizes you to uncover, ideate and surface new ideas, approaches, solutions ➢Enforces integrity - greater truth, transparency and moral choices ➢Makes you feel more optimistic about living - ignites a sense of possibility➢Makes you more tolerant➢Makes you want to align with others - perform as a team/unit/family➢Makes you more inclined to help someone else➢Makes you more open to sharing your experiences➢Makes you more patient➢Makes you more willing to sacrifice for an important goal➢Engenders more loyalty➢Creates a positive energy that can be infectious/viral➢Injects endurance when a goal has to be accomplished over time➢Provides peace of mind - calmness in the face of adversity➢Is a great equalizer, connects you to something universal ➢Provides a sense of meaning and purpose➢Engenders more laughter➢Generates more fun
  • 2011 January 30, Anita Gates, “'Putnam County Spelling Bee' at Paper Mill”, in The New York Times[33]:
    If the bouncy songs are particularly smart and irreverent ("Like idiots, we ideate," the group sings early in Act I), that's because both music and lyrics are by William Finn.
  • 2011 March 21, Daniel Fromson, “A Conversation With Cameron Sinclair, CEO of Architecture for Humanity”, in The Atlantic[34]:
    To ideate is to be a designer but to build is to be an architect.
  • 2011 June 8, Sebastian Siegel, Contributor, “The Reincarnating Humble-bee”, in HuffPost[35]:
    Breath -- and he is inextricably rewoven into eternity, ideated as an aperture through which light shines.
  • 2011 July 28, Penelope Green, “A Stage Set in Montauk, With Bees and Ocean”, in The New York Times[36]:
    If it all seems like an episode of "Portlandia," the arch sendup of Northern left coast culture featuring an ad agency where employees navigate Frisbee mazes and ideate in hot-air balloons, that's no mistake.
  • 2011 September 15, Bee-Shyuan Chang, “Extra Extra, Paper's Event Planning Affiliate -- NY Fashion Week”, in The New York Times[37]:
    "We'll pull editors from the magazine and Web site to ideate on events," Mr. Elliott said.
  • 2011 December 2, Oliver Burkeman, “This column will change your life: design thinking”, in The Guardian[38]:
    To fix things, all you need to do is apply some right-brained, turtleneck-wearing creatives, 'ideating' tons of concepts and creating new opportunities for value out of whole cloth." {...}
  • 2012 January 4, Gabe Zichermann, Contributor, “Stop Texting While Driving With Gamification”, in HuffPost[39]:
    After unpacking these motivations, we ideate solutions that seem technically feasible and address users' core needs (for agency, reward, sociability) while accomplishing the stated objective.
  • 2012 March 12, Tim Devane, Contributor, “A Sense of Urgency”, in HuffPost[40]:
    The words you hear most often associated with this process are: innovate, ideate, pivot, brainstorm, develop, productize and pivot again.
  • 2012 August 3, Ben Johnson, “Get Ready for the Hot New Band of the Future, Dork Moron”, in VICE[41]:
    Jane: Often we'll ideate something we'll be physically incapable of producing, and the result is usually terrible, often with up to five degrees of derivation.
  • 2012 August 6, Christian Moritz, Contributor, “Keyword Research Is Fast, Free Brand Strategy Research that Helps Smart Companies Grow”, in HuffPost[42]:
    But as a funny -- and famous -- IBM commercial featuring two-dozen workers "ideating" illustrated in 2008, in today's dynamic business market there often is not the time or budget for extended research.
  • 2012 September 21, Chris O'Connor, Contributor, “You Are Not Alone... Mark Zuckerberg”, in HuffPost[43]:
    We were expected, however, to ideate, iterate and try again.
  • 2012 October 4, Daina Middleton, Contributor, “Marketing in the Participation Age”, in HuffPost[44]:
    Advertising Week 2012 is upon us and, as industry leaders gather in New York to discuss, share and ideate, it is more appropriate than ever to evaluate the changing face and behaviors of the primary focus of all marketing activities... the character formerly known as the "consumer."
  • 2013 March 25, Daniel Newman , Contributor, “From Idea to IPO”, in HuffPost[45]:
    *Ideating: Where do Ideas come from?
  • 2013 April 4, Jure Klepic, Contributor, “The Age of Collaborative Marketing Has Arrived”, in HuffPost[46]:
    Marketers now need to develop deep relationships with their core consumers so they can easily inform and ideate with them and motivate people to advocate for their brand.
  • 2013 May 21, Tom Vander Ark, Contributor, “Common Core: A Platform for Equity and Innovation”, in HuffPost[47]:
    We trust them with the freedom they crave to experiment and ideate around the best way to impart learning to the children in their care.
  • 2013 June 3, Dr. R. Kay Green , Contributor, “6 Key Lessons From an Entrepreneur”, in HuffPost[48]:
    Customer relationship management is not only pure business; but, also ideates strong personal bonding within people.
  • 2013 June 5, Jason Linkins, “CNN, You Are Still Pretty Terrible”, in HuffPost[49]:
    A year ago, we imagined that the best possible thing that could happen would be for everyone to come to work at CNN one day only to "find that all of the people who have been making these decisions were no longer there." In our imagining, that would allow the people at CNN who know the nuts and bolts of newsgathering, and their simple skill sets, free reign to execute the daily work of a cable news channel without having all the so-called "visionaries" sitting around, "ideating" all sorts of nonsense, and drecking it up.
  • 2013 August 30, Patricia Morizio, Contributor, “A Design Thinking Retrospective: How History's Biggest Mishaps Could Have Been Averted”, in HuffPost[50]:
    3) PrototypeAfter you've streamlined your most popularly appealing, technologically possible, and economically sustainable idea in the Ideate phase, you would create a prototype to test it with your target market.
  • 2013 September 18, Dr. Lee-Anne Gray, Contributor, “Making Education More Like Real Life Through Design Thinking”, in HuffPost[51]:
    In the Experiment mode of Cantwell's DEEP, students ideate possible strategies to solve the problem.
  • 2013 October 1, Deborah Chang, Contributor, “Where to Work in Education”, in HuffPost[52]:
    I work in education entrepreneurship because it matches my work style, which centers around putting order to chaos, ideating and creating.
  • 2013 October 17, Marquis Cabrera, Contributor, “Entrepreneurship Can Empower Foster Youth to Beat the Odds”, in HuffPost[53]:
    Entrepreneurs learn how to develop successful businesses through their experience with ideating, creating and building The World Bank believes entrepreneurship should be a career option for all opportunity youth -- foster kids included -- between the ages of 16 and 24 whom are not enrolled in school nor participating in the labor market.
  • 2013 November 12, Richard Wilson, “Innovation culture: presenting the 10 new commandments”, in The Guardian[54]:
    So, dear innovators take these commandments, go forth and ideate!
  • 2013 November 21, Leo Maymind, “The Synth That Looks Like Legos: An Interview with littleBits”, in VICE[55]:
    The idea was a modular synthesizer that would work within the littleBits library, so we went back and forth ideating what kind of modules we would want to have in the kit.
  • 2014 January 12, Sheila Marikar, “With Their Club the Battery, Michael Birch and Xochi Birch Alter a San Francisco Scene”, in The New York Times[56]:
    But if there is a place to see-and-be-seen in the web start-up capital at the moment, the Battery may be it, at least for those who update their LinkedIn profiles religiously and count "ideating" among their daily rituals.
  • 2014 February 9, Laura Pappano, “Creativity Becomes an Academic Discipline”, in The New York Times[57]:
    The method, which is used in Buffalo State classrooms, has four steps: clarifying, ideating, developing and implementing.
  • 2014 February 27, Janusz A. Kozinski, Contributor, “Don't Let Engineering School Kill Your Passion”, in HuffPost[58]:
    Instead, they are immersed in discrete math and physics until the only survivors are those who bury themselves in textbooks rather than creating or ideating with others.
  • 2014 July 8, Gideon Jacobs, “Dustin Yellin: From Hijacking Golf Carts to Building Brooklyn's Art Utopia”, in VICE[59]:
    There are reasons—ones that have nothing to do with financial means—why you haven't heard of people successfully ideating, building and managing 24,000-square-foot paradisiacal arts centers even though I'd bet it's a wildly common life dream, especially in these parts (Brooklyn).
  • 2014 September 7, James Michael Nichols, “After Dark: Meet Daughters Of Devotion, Artists And Nightlife Personalities”, in HuffPost[60]:
    We sit down each month and ideate our next few looks together through shared Pinterest boards, then we decide, divide and conquer on bringing them to life with the help of our talented friends -- especially Lydia of Vengeance Designs, who has been our saving grace for the past few years.
  • 2014 September 29, The New York Times, “Accounts and People of Note in the Advertising Industry”, in The New York Times[61]:
    He had been a principal at Ideate Digital, Denver, which will be dissolved as he joins TDA_Boulder.
  • 2014 November 24, Zachary D. Carter, “Obama Administration Preaches 'Human Dignity' While Covering Up Torture”, in HuffPost[62]:
    That is especially true here in the nation's capital, a company town upon which is constructed a spare-no-expense infrastructure predominantly organized to provide posh venues for articulating values, shifting paradigms, and ideating meditatively.
  • 2014 December 1, Mitch Ditkoff, Contributor, “The Date Night Blues”, in HuffPost[63]:
    One appetizer, two margaritas and three blues songs later, Date Night 2.0 had not only revived our spirits, it had morphed into something completely unexpected -- Ideate Night -- that curious parting of the cerebral Red Sea, when a powerful new possibility makes itself known.
  • 2014 December 24,, Contributor, “14 Productivity Hacks to Improve Work Happiness”, in HuffPost[64]:
    By being more efficient, we allow more time for the good stuff: ideating new products, creative brainstorming, lunches together as a team.
  • 2015 February 9, Janine Garner, Contributor, “True Leadership Colors”, in HuffPost[65]:
    These leaders create the space and freedom to think, debate and ideate.
  • 2015 February 16, Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Contributor, “4 Surefire Ways To Change Your Life For The Better”, in HuffPost[66]:
    Morris and his collaborators refer to this as having others to "co-ideate" with you.
  • 2015 February 19, Dawn Nakagawa, Contributor, “Reid Hoffman: 'We Need To Invest in Technologies That Amplify Human Capacity, Not Replace It'”, in HuffPost[67]:
    Part of a government's function is convening leaders to consider challenges, ideate and build out solutions.
  • 2015 March 12, Becky Chung, “Meet the Artist Behind Broad City's Awesome Animated Intros”, in VICE[68]:
    For the first meeting, Perry ideated and conceptualized pencil sketches of how they could play around with type.
  • 2015 March 25, Shalini Vajjhala, Contributor, “A Roadmap for Resilient Infrastructure Investment”, in HuffPost[69]:
    This work--the planning, the investigating and ideating, bringing together stakeholders from utilities and finance--isn't glamorous.
  • 2015 March 26, Foodbeast, Contributor, “25 Unbelievable Foods From Knott's Berry Farm's All-Boysenberry Festival”, in HuffPost[70]:
    You read that correctly.ᅡᅠIn addition to the custom berry dishes ideated by the Food and Beverage team, Knott's also found a way to work with ICEE, Coke and Starbucks to be able to serve Boysenberry ICEEs and Frappuccinos.
  • 2015 March 27, “The Huffington Post Entertainment Is Hiring An Editorial Director”, in HuffPost[71]:
    * Ideate and refine original video series
  • 2015 April 1, EF Education First, Contributor, “Innovating Together”, in HuffPost[72]:
    I was by all means amazed at how quickly we were able to go from ideating to making a prototype.
  • 2015 April 16, Charu Sharma, Contributor, “Going Against the Flow: Jessica Tenuta, Cofounder of Packback”, in HuffPost[73]:
    I am a problem solver; I love to break down the vision into what problems we are really trying to solve and ideate resourceful solutions.
  • 2015 April 21, Chris Deaver, Contributor, “How to Change Your Manager's Mind”, in HuffPost[74]:
    Care enough to challenge each other's thinking to ideate in new ways.
  • 2015 May 6, Jasmina Tesanovic, Contributor, “Women's Tribunal, Sarajevo 2015”, in HuffPost[75]:
    Our late feminist Zarana Papic, my personal friend from childhood, who ideated the first feminist conference in East Europe I mentioned, in 2001 with Korin Kumar spoke about initiating the women's court for the crimes in ex Yu.
  • 2015 May 14, Ellevate Network, Contributor, “The 'M' FACTOR: An Entrepreneur's Staple Diet”, in HuffPost[76]:
    It needs dedication, devotion, presence, continuous learning, ideating, solving, working, breathing your ideas that creates the necessary energy to succeed.
  • 2015 June 18, Paul Armstrong, “Why agencies shouldn't lead on innovation”, in The Guardian[77]:
    Innovation needs a physical place where teams can work and collaborate with partners and clients – a place where people can truly ideate and be inspired.
  • 2015 September 3, Elizabeth Dankoski, Contributor, “The Secret to One of the Toughest Supplemental College Application Essays”, in HuffPost[78]:
    For example, if you're applying to the Information Services major at Carnegie Mellon, you might want to talk about the IDeATe program and the particular concentration you're interested in.
  • 2015 September 24, Piyasree Dasgupta, “This Tamil Magazine Believes Women Who Wear Leggings Deserve To Be Shamed”, in HuffPost[79]:
    However, a person who identified himself as a journalist in the editorial desk said that the entire desk was instrumental in ideating, writing and designing the spread but refused any further comment.
  • 2015 October 21, Francis Levy, Contributor, “Pornosophy: Meta-Sex”, in HuffPost[80]:
    However, the neurogenic pathways of men and women are so wired by thinking that they seek to relive the memory of past pleasures which they ideate and conceive, long past their biological mechanism's ability to effectively convert urge into action.
  • 2015 November 23, Robert F. Brands, Contributor, “Innovation and The Art of Implementation (Part 3)”, in HuffPost[81]:
    Repeat after me: "Ideate. {...}
  • 2015 December 10, Raj Jayadev, Contributor, “Everyday Ideation: How Families Use 'Cumulative Intelligence' to Take on the Criminal Justice System”, in HuffPost[82]:
    Everyday "Ideating"
  • 2015 December 14, Nora Kelly Lee, “Are Mass Shootings Contagious?”, in The Atlantic[83]:
    "They're being subconsciously ideated by something they've just watched on the news."
  • 2016 January 1, Laura Emily Dunn, Contributor, “Women in Business Q&A: Amber Guild, President, Collins”, in HuffPost[84]:
    It prompted me and some other women to start a think tank - we know our current culture of overwork isn't working - for anybody - so we're looking to ideate solutions to change it.
  • 2016 January 5, Michael Kleinman, “From cluster meetings to sunsetting: how to speak development (jargon)”, in The Guardian[85]:
    Ideate – hiring expensive outside consultants to facilitate a company brainstorm
  • 2016 January 12, Tejaswi Bhagavatula, Contributor, “5 Indian Websites That Make Wedding Planning A Breeze”, in HuffPost[86]:
    From pictures to dresses to the couple's love story and more, this is a site that can surely inspire and help you ideate on themes and designs you want for your wedding.
  • 2016 February 4, Aashmita Nayar, “How An Engineer Quit His Job To Light Up Remote Himalayan Villages”, in HuffPost[87]:
    In addition to developing specialised electrical energy efficient products for himalayan rural markets, and designing low power DC high Lumen LED lights to assist the project, the company also runs an Education Base powered completely by solar energy that encourages young blood to ideate and develop programmes around various themes of sustainability.
  • 2016 February 10, Kaleigh Rogers, “The Tech Evangelists Trying to Solve the Refugee Crisis”, in VICE[88]:
    It was tough to get anyone to string together two sentences that didn't include vague buzz phrases like "making connections," or "ideating," but their hearts seem to be in the right place.
  • 2016 February 14, Peter Diamandis, Contributor, “A.I. and Technology Convergence”, in HuffPost[89]:
    "For 50 years, we've ideated about this idea of artificial intelligence. {...}
  • 2016 February 26, Tom Goodwin, “Get ready – 5G will create waves of innovation that disrupt every industry”, in The Guardian[90]:
    Brands, consumers and agencies need to ideate for this new environment and solve the challenge of how we use meaningful connections to create messages that consumers actively want to engage with.
  • 2016 February 28, Ginia Bellafante, “The Bohemian Capitalist”, in The New York Times[91]:
    They often eat and "ideate" together, she told me.
  • 2016 February 29, Shrinivas Dharma, Contributor, “NPA Crisis: A Classic Case Of Crony Capitalism”, in HuffPost[92]:
    Nor are there mad geniuses like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs who can ideate and bring out category-breaking products to generate wealth for society.
  • 2016 March 10, Map Happy, Contributor, “The Strangest Travel Predictions That Never Came True”, in HuffPost[93]:
    This future form of transport was ideated by French artist Jean-Marc Côté at the turn of the 20th century.
  • 2016 April 19, Ruth Dsouza Prabhu, Contributor, “Keeping Charles Correa's Work Alive: An Interview With Dr Irena Murray”, in HuffPost[94]:
    He looked to the past and ideated based on it, even though his structures have a modern look to them.
  • 2016 June 10, Lucy Wark in Chicago, “WTF are techies saying? A linguistic guide for the aspiring tech hustler”, in The Guardian[95]:
    Twenty full minutes of ideating and six rigorous minutes of beta testing later, here's what they come up with, a linguistic guide for the aspiring tech hustler:
  • 2016 June 15, Andi Wickman, Contributor, “Connections: A 7-Day Interview Series With Women Entrepreneurs - Day 2”, in HuffPost[96]:
    It means dozens of hours of ideating and executing, and hoping that the cause that means so much to you will spark joy and dedication in others.
  • 2016 July 7, Servo Jeffersen, “HTML5 Could Make Gaming More Accessible for People With Disabilities”, in VICE[97]:
    There's a veritable treasure trove of information on Intel® Developer Zone on how to ideate, design, build, test, launch, and monetize your game, and products like Intel® RealSense™ Developer Kit are enabling developers to think about gaming interfaces and accessibility in new ways.
  • 2016 July 20, Hamilton Perkins, Contributor, “How To Turn Trash Into Fashion”, in HuffPost[98]:
    We prototype and ideate dynamically to find what works for the traveler and what doesn't.
  • 2016 August 8, David Ongchoco, Contributor, “Startup Insider: The Story Behind HackerRank And Its Mission To Help Programmers Across The Globe”, in HuffPost[99]:
    Shipping things is a lot more important than constantly ideating and iterating." {...}
  • 2016 August 24, Servo Jeffersen, “​Intel's Skull Canyon Pushes the Limits of Processor Based Graphics”, in VICE[100]:
    Start your own Intel® Game Dev journey here:
  • 2016 August 26, DJ Pangburn, “A Silicon Valley-Like Startup Accelerator, But For Artists”, in VICE[101]:
    Day 1 is "all about learning from customers, defining the problem, ideating and building a prototype business plan and product."
  • 2016 September 2, Liam Daniel Pierce, “Lawsuit Alleges the Warriors App Listens to You Talk, Even When It's Off”, in VICE[102]:
    Ideate your way out of this one.
  • 2016 October 12, Patrick A. Howell , Contributor, “American Film Maker”, in HuffPost[103]:
    Aaron and my friend Laura were essential collaborators that not only helped make some of the work but also ideated with me on the themes of the exhibition.
  • 2016 November 10, Davar Ardalan, Contributor, “Calling on Immersive VR and AR Storytelling to Drive Healthy Food and Nutrition Outcomes”, in HuffPost[104]:
    The Hack created a space to ideate around the capacity of 360° video, virtual reality, augmented reality and gamification to strengthen public health, social impact and awareness building efforts in developing countries.
  • 2016 November 22, Ben Arnon, Contributor, “How National Geographic Selects Its Photographs: An Interview with Sarah Leen”, in HuffPost[105]:
    My next question is based on the lag time that exists between beginning the process of ideating and coming up with a great story idea and then actually having it published both online and certainly in the print version.
  • 2016 November 22, Sarah Deane, Contributor, “4 Reasons Why Brands Did Not Achieve their Expected Customer Experience (CX) Impact in 2016”, in HuffPost[106]:
    Successful organizations strategized correctly, ideated and experimented, and were able to execute.
  • 2016 December 7, Rebecca Kamm, “Understanding the Hidden Suicide Problem Among Women in Medicine”, in VICE[107]:
    It also found women in medicine more likely to have ideated and or attempted suicide within the past twelve months—as Milner's recent research confirms.
  • 2016 December 15, Ben Lee, Contributor, “7 Last-Minute Gifts For The Budding Coder In Your Life”, in HuffPost[108]:
    These UX cards take the strain out of ideating a website's user experience by turning some of the most common website elements into a physical set of cards.
  • 2017 January 23, Susie Davidson, Contributor, “I Helped Block Traffic In D.C.”, in HuffPost[109]:
    Yet humanity is never that neatly ideated in practice, and change occurs painfully slowly.
  • 2017 March 25, Patrick A. Howell , Contributor, “Phenomenal Woman”, in HuffPost[110]:
    Years later, they ideate the concept of Mombasa jewelry which will take their love of marketing and art and turn it into a seed for a global brand for designer jewelry.
  • 2017 March 27, Ali Wunderman, “California Has a Plan to Fix the Golden Gate's Suicide Problem”, in VICE[111]:
    "The Golden Gate Bridge promotes our number, having added 30 signs across the bridge and in parking lots where people often ideate in their cars," says Libby Craig, director of Bay Area Crisis Text Line.
  • 2017 March 28, Alfred E. Blake IV, Contributor, “What is a Roshni Rides”, in HuffPost[112]:
    I put my full effort into consulting and connecting the team with special advisors, professors, and industry professionals that can aid them in their ideating and building of their presentation (Sort of a Pre-Accelerator to Regional Final).
  • 2017 April 5, Steve Mariotti, Contributor, “Starting Your Business May Be As Easy As Paying Attention To Trends”, in HuffPost[113]:
    If out of school, while you have less infrastructure to lean on, you have all of the opportunity in the world to go after experiences that will teach you how to ideate, test, ship, iterate and scale an idea.
  • 2017 April 21, Paul Benjamin, Contributor, “The power of asking”, in HuffPost[114]:
    Distilling the feedback was the next step that allowed the team to ideate on lazer focused ways to improve the experience for our members.
  • 2017 April 25, PureWow, Contributor, “8 Things You Should Never Put On A Résumé”, in HuffPost[115]:
    Annoying business jargon We're sure you're more than qualified to ideate on the latest market trends, but using business jargon is unnecessary and makes it seem like you're overcompensating.
  • 2017 May 9, Kristi York Wooten, Contributor, “Watching Jimmy Carter And Bernie Sanders Together Will Make Your Day So Much Better”, in HuffPost[116]:
    Watching this pair of political crusaders gab and ideate for nearly an hour felt like the only colorful, hopeful page ripped from the dark, comic-book saga led by the current administration.
  • 2017 May 11, Sarah Deane, Contributor, “4 Innovation Takeaways from the EY Global TMT Expo”, in HuffPost[117]:
    This concept can extend to many other areas too such as internally within a company, bringing different functions together to solve problems or ideate.
  • 2017 May 11, Alex Dehgan, Contributor, “Make for the Planet Challenge: Transforming Conservation for the Better”, in HuffPost[118]:
    Our goal is to not only ideate innovation, but also to connect expertise across sectors to build, iterate, test, and scale solutions for real change.
  • 2017 May 11, Lee-Sean Huang, Contributor, “How Human Creativity Will Win The War Against Robots”, in HuffPost[119]:
    It withholds judgement when it is time to ideate, and relies on evidence to make decisions about what works.
  • 2017 May 11, Jessica Bennett, “Opinion | Ask a Feminist: How Empowering Is My Brand?”, in The New York Times[120]:
    We'll wake up with morning vaginal steaming, gather at lunch for a workshop on taking selfies from the #femalegaze, and close out the day ideating on all the different words we can use to talk about feminism without actually using the word feminism (authentic living!
  • 2017 May 16, Rebecca Lammersen, Contributor, “Why Netflix's '13 Reasons Why' Could Save Lives”, in HuffPost[121]:
    And that's why I've chosen to write out loud: adults and adolescence need to know that there is somebody else who thinks the same demented thoughts and has felt despair and ideated.
  • 2017 May 30, Steve Haske, “The Complete, Untold History of Halo”, in VICE[122]:
    We weren't just ideating on a game, it was sort of rubber meets road.
  • 2017 June 1, Claudio Santoro, “Is The Opera House Sydney's Last Club?”, in VICE[123]:
    We went to Jim and Hana's humble abode in Redfern to uncover how they're ideating, what their Opera House installations will look like and to talk about the social implications of Sydney's dire nightlife.
  • 2017 June 6, LGBT HealthLink, Contributor, “LGBTQ Wellness: It's All About The Data”, in HuffPost[124]:
    A review of scientific literature on suicidality in the transgender community found that, on average, 29 percent of those studied had attempted suicide during their lifetime and 55 percent had ideated about suicide – including 51 percent who had had such thoughts just within the past year.
  • 2017 June 9, Alexandre Mars, Contributor, “Doing Well by Doing Good: How Michelle Kydd Lee, Chief Innovation Officer of Creative Artists Agency (CAA), is making Hollywood philanthropic”, in HuffPost[125]:
    One aspect that I especially enjoy is ideating state-of-the-art approaches to empower, develop, and inspire employees across the company, with a focus on creating growth opportunities for women- both inside and outside the agency.
  • 2017 June 20, Anne Cassidy, “Squaring the circle on jargon. Why do we speak in riddles at work?”, in The Guardian[126]:
    Some of the commonly used buzzwords picked up by SwearJar included "synergy", "ideate" and "circle the wagon", according to DeParolesa.
  • 2017 June 28, Mohsin Mohi-Ud-Din, “Facing Turmoil and Conflict, Syrian Refugees Tell Their Own Story”, in VICE[127]:
    For many it was the first time they began to individually ideate on self-reflective questions, share and express their emotions and ideas to someone else, and work to unleash their creativity in a collaborative process.
  • 2017 August 31, Luke Heilbuth, Contributor, “Stop Leveraging Synergistic Outcomes And Start Using Plain Language In The Workplace”, in HuffPost[128]:
    He would never dream of iterating healthy seeds into life or ideating a working plough.
  • 2017 September 30, Kevin Hines, Contributor, “National Suicide Prevention Month: Crisis Text Line Is Saving Lives, Maybe They Can Help You #CNQRPAIN (CONQUER YOUR PAIN)”, in HuffPost[129]:
    For the growing number of young people ideating suicide at the bridge, this number may be just the thing they need.
  • 2017 October 3, Laura Taylor, “How to Talk to Mates About Anxiety, from Guys Who've Been There”, in VICE[130]:
    In the end it got to a point where I was starting to ideate on taking my own life.
  • 2017 October 16, Peter Marino, “Why Americans Need to Step it up When it Comes to Foreign Policy”, in VICE[131]:
    To do this, we are working to ideate and develop something we're calling "Metropolitan Foreign Policy," and we're focused on New York City -- what it means, how it might work out, and how would it be possible to participate at the local level and make an impact on this new kind of policy.
  • 2017 December 13, Carol Kuruvilla, “Petition Calls On Mormon Church To Stop Letting Leaders Interview Kids About Sex”, in HuffPost[132]:
    "To all those who experienced self-loathing during your teenage years, to all who carried that self-loathing into your adult years, to all those whose sex lives were inextricably associated with shame, to all those who have ideated suicide, to all who have attempted suicide, to all who were groomed for sexual abuse...
  • 2017 December 18, Sophie Wade, Contributor, “The Six Secrets of Effective Remote Working and Collaborating”, in HuffPost[133]:
    Both companies note the essential role of visual communication to help team members connect, interact, and ideate with the most understanding and information possible—research showing facial cues add significantly to words and tone.
  • 2017 December 18, Refinery29, Contributor, “Affordable Food Gifts — For When You're All Out Of Ideas”, in HuffPost[134]:
    And instead, we are left budgeting, ideating, and buying everyone we know a "thoughtful" present — or a weak one because we couldn't think of anything better.
  • 2017 December 27, Ellevate Network, Contributor, “3 Ways Marketers Can Use Design Thinking to Innovate”, in HuffPost[135]:
    Use these three components of design thinking (talk to your consumer, ideate as a team, and prototype and test your idea) to give your business, and yourself, an edge.
  • 2018 January 2, Brian Merchant, “How the Best Futures Help Us Survive an Unbearable Present”, in VICE[136]:
    Sometimes you just need to feel a richly ideated future, soak it in, for the sake of being somewhere else, for the sake of agitating the present.
  • 2018 February 22, Alia Marsha, “'NORIENTAL' Challenges the Stereotypes of What It Means to Be an Asian Woman”, in VICE[137]:
    I ideate the concept and after it's done I just like to post right after I edit them.
  • 2018 April 21, Caitlin Lovinger, “Variety: Puns and Anagrams”, in The New York Times[138]:
    Right next door is another one of these, with a little wrinkle, "Think of a date, i.e.", or IDEATE, in which that little solitary "a" serves to make the clue read prettily.
  • 2018 May 2, India Mandelkern, “The Weird Science Behind Chain Restaurant Menus”, in VICE[139]:
    Armed with whiteboards, buzzwords, mind-maps, and rainbow colored Post-its, consultants apply the well-worn tenets of design thinking—empathizing, ideating, prototyping and so on—to America's restaurant landscape.
  • 2018 June 17, Deb Amlen, “Trendy, Much-Used Lingo”, in The New York Times[140]:
    "In order to envisioneer, cultivate and strategize a cross platform functionality to (both separately and simultaneously) streamline and ideate B2B target market positioning, all hands will be aggregated to the 15th floor collaboration space at their earliest convenience, for the express purpose of retaining their jobs.
  • 2018 October 10, Moira Donegan, “Moira Donegan, Jessica Valenti, Soraya Chemaly, and Mariame Kaba on #MeToo's Anniversary”, in VICE[141]:
    The aim was to detect commonalities and patterns among women's experiences, and, as the name suggests, to "raise consciousness"—that is, ideate how to apply feminist ideas to their own daily lives.
  • 2018 October 15, Beckett Mufson, “What to Study in College to Get Meme Scholar, Weed, Bar, VR, Drone, Snapchat, Cryptocurrency, AI Jobs”, in VICE[142]:
    His job consists of ideating concepts with his team, purchasing materials, and executing the design on deadline and on budget.
  • 2018 December 15, Max Berlinger, “Shop the Apocalypse”, in The New York Times[143]:
    "Fashion ideates what's going on around it," said Francesca Granata, an assistant professor of fashion studies at the Parsons School of Design in New York.
  • 2019 February 1, Navin Noronha, “What Goes Into the Making of Mumbai Pride”, in VICE[144]:
    Having worked closely with The Humsafar Trust, she's is a pivotal figure when it comes to ideating and getting the Pride's logistics together.
  • 2019 February 22, Naman Saraiya, “Week on Week: The VICE India Mixtape”, in VICE[145]:
    To ideate, of course.
  • 2019 October 24, Wesley Morris, “Psychobros”, in The New York Times[146]:
    Because in the process of trying to ideate or iterate yourself into a perfect man, aka, Tyler Durden, slash, Brad Pitt, you lose yourself.
  • 2019 November 26, Drew Magary, “VICE”, in VICE[147]:
    Anyway, as much as I hate all the bullshit Rovellology this team deployed to ideate its name, I can't bring myself to hate the team itself THAT much.
  • 2020 January 6, Harron Walker, “Watch the Terrifying Trailer for Gwyneth Paltrow's 'The Goop Lab' Netflix Show”, in VICE[148]:
    Ideating wellness activations with all your fave girlbosses!
  • 2020 January 28, Drew Schwartz, “This 70-Layer Bean Dip Is the Most Vile Thing I've Ever Seen”, in VICE[149]:
    Bush's appears to be extremely proud of bringing this monstrosity into the world—of using a team of 19 people, who worked for a cumulative 227 hours, to ideate, cook, and construct a cylindrical tower of bean dips about as tall as a third grader.
  • 2020 August 20, Shamani Joshi, “We Speak with Tyler who is Making 'Walk of Shame' in Mumbai, India”, in VICE[150]:
    Ideated and orchestrated by an Indian guerrilla artist who goes by the street name Tyler, the Walk of Shame asks Instagram users to pick out the influencer they want to call out.
  • 2020 September 2, Katie Way, “The Little Cards That Tell Police 'Let's Forget This Ever Happened'”, in VICE[151]:
    According to the preface of criminologist George L. Kelling's 1999 report for the Department of Justice on discretion and police training (guided by the still-influential "broken windows" police theory he helped ideate):
  • 2020 October 24, Katherine Rosman, “Former Milly Designer Michelle Smith Has a New Line, and a New Life”, in The New York Times[152]:
    In 2000, Ms. Smith and Mr. Oshrin, who'd begun dating and ideating, started Milly as a wholesale brand.
  • 2021 February 11, Wesley Morris, “Still Processing: Psychobros, From the Best of the Archives”, in The New York Times[153]:
    But it definitely seems like "Fight Club" is still the perfect analogy for our times, because in the process of trying to ideate or iterate yourself into a perfect man, AKA Tyler Durden/Brad Pitt, you lose yourself.
  • 2021 February 12, Mary Retta, “How to Find and Join an Organization Pushing for the Causes You Care About”, in VICE[154]:
    "Finding out when people could meet over Zoom, creating committees, and ideating and executing outreach and strategy was hard to organize with students' schedules.
  • 2021 September 2, “This month's best paperbacks: Susanna Clarke, Claudia Rankine, a biography of Tom Stoppard and more”, in The Guardian[155]:
    The historical Piranesi, an 18th-century engraver, is celebrated for his intricate and oppressive visions of imaginary prisons and for his veduta ideate, precise renderings of classical edifices set amid fantastic vistas.
  • 2021 September 13, Sophie Brickman, “Does overhearing your spouse's work calls put you on edge? Me too. I found out why”, in The Guardian[156]:
    It's good comic relief, and a model of how to diffuse tension – far more charming than my tactic, which is to speak very loudly and tell him that if he uses the word "leverage" or "ideate" in my presence one more time, I'll ideate a way to leverage him into another apartment.
  • 2021 October 8, Arman Khan, “Why I Married a Rice Cooker, and Then Divorced It”, in VICE[157]:
    Sometimes, these ideating sessions stretch into the wee hours of the morning, giving him just enough time to get ready for another nine hours at a construction site.
  • 2021 October 25, Nicole Sperling, “Dave Chappelle responds to Netflix controversy with a video clip from his concert.”, in The New York Times[158]:
    "We didn't spend that much time really ideating on a traditional I.P.O.
  • 2021 October 26, Maxwell Strachan, “Why Does FaZe Clan Think It's Worth $1 Billion?”, in VICE[159]:
    Trink told the New York Times that the company "didn't spend that much time really ideating on a traditional I.P.O.
  • 2021 December 1, Dean Kissick, “What Will Art Look Like in the Metaverse?”, in The New York Times[160]:
    But a vision of the future ideated by a creative agency for a megacorporation was always going to be dreadful.
  • 2021 December 2, Anna P. Kambhampaty, “Oh, to Be Mentored by Virgil Abloh”, in The New York Times[161]:
    "His creativity and relentless ability to ideate became a way of thinking and seeing," Mr. Ross, 30, said of his time working with Mr. Abloh.
  • 2022 March 1, Vanessa Friedman, “Virgil Abloh's Last Show”, in The New York Times[162]:
    And they were borne aloft on a fluttering flag Monday, the first day of Paris Fashion Week, in the last Off-White show Mr. Abloh ideated before his death.
  • 2022 March 2, Brittany Wong, “Help! I Only Feel Productive In The Afternoon”, in HuffPost[163]:
    Brainstorming and bouncing ideas around with your accountability partner will help to motivate you and engage your happy brain chemicals; once the dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin are flowing, you'll be surprised how easy it is to ideate and create," she said.
  • 2022 April 28, Arman Khan, “Your Job Sucks? You Might Like Permalancing, But Here's What You Should Know.”, in VICE[164]:
    "I wanted more time with my daughter and have the liberty to think and ideate stories that I really wanted," said Pawar, who covers a gamut of lifestyle beats.
  • 2022 June 3, “Project management skills are critical to career success: are yours up to scratch?”, in The Guardian[165]:
    Curtin's courses guide students through the process of ideating, planning and eventually executing a project.
  • 2022 August 27, Caira Conner, “Bianca Andreescu: 'I literally wanted to quit this sport. But my soul knew differently'”, in The Guardian[166]:
    She and her team had been ideating on it right as the pandemic was seeping in but she didn't want to publish it until it was an appropriate time.
  • 2022 December 20, Rachel Fabi, “NYT Crossword Answers: Country with the Second-Most Portuguese Speakers”, in The New York Times[167]:
    Or did I lie sleeplessly in bed trying to "ideate" theme possibilities as I so often do?