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English citations of inaequihymeniiferous

  • 1964 — James Maniotis, The Coprinoid State of Rhacophyllus Lilacinus, American Journal of Botany, Volume 51, Number 5 (May - June, 1964): 485-494 [1]
    Carpophore inaequihymeniiferous; button hemispheri- cal, then cylindric, buff-white to "Amber Brown," pileal hyphae of surface having clamp-connections, 1-2.1 ц in diameter, breaking up, as the pileus expands, into a few small fugaceous patches, "Amber Brown" to "Argus Brown," thus exposing a second hyphal layer (Fig. 3), composed of branched filaments 4.3-12.9/u broad X 32.9-. 57.2 ß long, with clamp-connections (Fig. 14); this layer at first white, then "Light Buff" to "Cartridge Buff," deter- sile, finally breaking up into many minute, adpressed, concentrically arranged buff-colored patches (Fig. 6, 9), exposing a third layer of hyphae; this third layer comprised of radially oriented cylindrical hyphae, compartments.
  • 1979 — W.W. Patrick Jr., Comparative Morphology and Taxonomic Disposition of ebulbosus, quadrifidus, and variegatus in the genus Coprinus (Agaricales), Mycotaxon, Volume 10, Number 1 (October-December 1979): 142-154 [2]
    The developing basidioles, of course, serve to support, and in a sense space, the random, enlarged basidia in aequihymeniiferous agarics. But in the inaequihymeniiferous genus Coprinus, the spacing cells are clearly not basidioles (i.e., not immature basidia).
  • 1999 — JS Hopple, R Vilgalys, Phylogenetic relationships in the mushroom genus Coprinus and dark-spored allies based on sequence data from the nuclear gene coding for the large ribosomal subunit RNA: divergent domains, outgroups, and monophyly, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Volume 13, Issue 1 (October 1999), Pages 1-19 [3]
    The genus is defined by its dark-spores possessing an apical germ pore and sequential development of basidia and spores, termed inaequihymeniiferous development.
  • 2003 — M.R. Keirle, D.E. Hemmes, D.E. Desjardin, Agaricales of the Hawaiian Islands. 8. Agaricaceae: Coprinus and Podaxis; Psathyrellaceae: Coprinopsis, Coprinellus and Parasola, The International Journal Of Fungal Diversity, Volume 15: 33-124 [4]
    Members of the genus (Coprinus) were recognized by a suite of characters that included: the presence of brachybasidia (pavement cells), darkly pigmented basidiospores, saprotrophic nutrition, fragile flesh, parallel to subparallel lamellae with inaequihymeniiferous development, deliquescent to subdeliquescent lamellae, and a pileus with a plicate margin.