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English citations of inanition

  1. starvation
    • 1843, England is full of wealth, of multifarious produce, supply for human want in every kind; yet England is dying of inanition. Thomas Carlyle, Past and Present, ch. 1, Midas
    • 1850, I was now nearly sick from inanition, having taken so little the day before - Jane Eyre: by Charlotte Bronte
    • 1948, Joyce, who had once or twice said he was suffering from inanition, had no fear of inanition now. Lobsters could be bought... for twelve cents each... - Mourning Became Mrs. Spendlove: by Oliver St. John Gogarty
  2. emptiness
    • 1955, One would have said that two children had taken it into their heads to see how many times they could turn before they dropped, and that the people had gathered to watch out of sheer inanition. — Paul Bowles, The Spider's House
    • 1995, A message on the bathroom shaving glass – / THEYVE TAK – and then the flat tube’s inanition. — Anthony Burgess, Byrne