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English citations of italicism

the use of italics

  • 1843, The United States Catholic Magazine, page 185:
    That this error moreover was the point to which the bishop directed particular attention, is plain from the italicism of the words. He seems to argue that, the sacrifice in the Catholic Church is not offered with the people, because ...
  • 1853, A., “Letters on Spirit Manifestations”, in Reasoner and Secular Gazette, page 393:
    The italicism in this case is mine.
  • 1859 October, Omega, The British Friend, volume 17, page 271:
    The stress which, by italicism, J.J.G. has laid upon the words, "yet in my flesh shall I see God," evidences that it was the material body, the "flesh" he was referring to, as that which should rise in the resurrection;
  • 2002, Vincent F. Luti, Mallet & chisel, →ISBN:
    Why the Bristol Carver reverted to italicisms remains a mystery.

Alt form of Italicism

  • 1867, Charles Casolani, Suggestions with Regard to the General Administration and Internal Affairs of Malta:
    The native language should be purged from barbarisms and italicisms which have crept into it, gradually taking away everything which is foreign to the Arabic element—thus paving the way for the study of the pure Arabic language, the knowledge of which will prove of immense advantage to the middle class.
  • 1884, Scientific American: Supplement - Volume 18, page 7315:
    Before entering upon my subject, I must crave the indulgence of those of my colleagues whose language I have borrowed for any italicisms that I may use, as well as for the foreign accent which must strike their ears more or less disagreeably.
  • 1949, James Peter Soffietti, Phonemic Analysis of the Word in Turinese:
    However, one will, at times, find bilinguists who will inadvertently introduce italicisms into their Turinese.


  • 1855, Jean Henri Merle d'Aubigné, History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century:
    "A Judas's kiss," thought Luther. "I seemed like one," he wrote to Spalatin, "who could not understand these italicisms."
  • 1954, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Programme:
    On the other hand he finds morbid 'any sentiment resulting in an italicism of self.'