Citations:kink meme

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English citations of kink meme and kinkmeme

Noun: "(fandom slang) an online space in which requests for fan fiction (generally involving a specific kink) are posted and fulfilled anonymously"

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2016 2018 2019 2021
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  • 2009 July 5, Alara Rogers, “Kink memes”, in alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated[1] (Usenet):
    So on Livejournal they have these things called anonymous kink memes, where people post (anonymously) the kink they'd like to see, and other people choose to respond with fic.
    Well, the reboot Star Trek kink meme is a lot of fun, []
  • 2009 July 25, Acidqueen [username], “Re: NEW: AOS On Public Display 1/4 [Nc-17] K/Mc”, in alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated[2] (Usenet):
    The trek world would be a boring place without that kink meme.
  • 2009 December 29, Calliope, “N2U AOS Little Boy All Grown Up 1/2 [NC-17] Sa/Am, S”, in alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated[3] (Usenet):
    Note: This was done for the following kink meme prompt:
  • 2010 January 1, Acidqueen [username], “Re: NEW AOS The Collector 1/1 [R] Mc”, in alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated[4] (Usenet):
    Kink memes can be very inspiring.
  • 2011, Brigid Cherry, "Becky Rosen, Fan Identity, and Interactivity in Supernatural", in TV Goes to Hell: An Unofficial Road Map of Supernatural (eds. Stacey Abbott & David Lavery), ECW Press (2011), →ISBN, page 204:
    His overt revulsion is caused by the Wincest fan fiction — the Sam-slash-Dean pairing that also alarms Dean in the epigraph of this paper — and to a Dean-slash-Castiel (or Destiel) kink meme in which Castiel has a crab claw for a hand.
  • 2012, Katherine Larsen & Lyn Zubernis, Fandom at the Crossroads: Celebration, Shame and Fan/producer Relationships, page 136:
    The LJ community blindfold_spn hosted its fifth annual anonymous kink meme, where fans leave anonymous prompts for fic they want written, and other fans anonymously fill them.
  • 2012, Monna Metta Maria Pesonen, "Introduction to the Terminology of Fan Fiction", thesis submitted to the University of Eastern Finland, page 56:
    Like the previously mentioned podfic, the kinkmeme appears to be a recent development in fan fiction and fandom in general.
  • 2013, Hannah Ellison, "Submissives, Nekos and Futanaris: A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of the Glee Kink Meme", Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies, Volume 10, Issue 1, May 2013, page 110:
    Though Glee has one of the most active kink memes (actual numbers of users are impossible to determine due to the anonymous use of the site, however, on average 25 new requests are made each day and around 10 filled each week) there are kink memes for numerous other media texts, from the TV show Supernatural, to places such as Norsekink which deals with any works involving the Marvel character Thor and his universe.
  • 2013, Anne Jamison, Fic: Why Fanfiction Is Taking Over the World, page 8:
    This fandom post mentions another kind of game, though, one less tweedy and respectable: the kink meme.
  • 2016, "thingswithwings", quoted in Abigail De Kosnik, Rogue Archives: Digital Cultural Memory and Media Fandom, page 185:
    Says thingswithwings, "What we see in fandom now as opposed to even five years ago or ten years ago is kinky fic being integrated ... into fandom space where one of the first things people do with a new fandom now is find the kink meme. []
  • 2018, Paul Booth, A Companion to Media Fandom and Fan Studies, page 533:
    A story might be written in response to a request for a fill on something called a kink meme where readers leave asks for particular fictional situations or story lines and anonymous writers fill them
  • 2018, Rukmini Pande Squee from the Margins: Fandom and Race, page 166:
    Kink memes are generally hosted on the blogging platforms Dreamwidth or LiveJournal, which have comment structures that allow for specific requests to be put up and responded to in a linked manner.
  • 2019, Christiana Gregoriou, "The Fandom Is Afoot: BBC Sherlock and Its Fanfiction at Play", in Retold Resold Transformed: Crime Fiction in the Global Era (Christiana Gregoriou, David Platten, & Gigliola Sulis), unnumbered page:
    Noticeably, most of these kinkmeme prompts revolve around Sherlock and John's sexual/romantic relationship in one form or another.
  • 2021, "falsteloj", quoted in Brit Kelley, Loving Fanfiction: Exploring the Role of Emotion in Online Fandoms, unnumbered page:
    I write most of my fics to kink meme prompts, exchange letters, or Tumblr asks. I like the challenge of it and the guaranteed audience of at least one!
  • 2021, Milena Popova, Dubcon: Fanfiction, Power, and Sexual Consent, page 45:
    It was originally published in late 2010 in response to a request on the Supernatural kinkmeme.
  • 2021, Rebecca Williams, A Fan Studies Primer: Method, Research, Ethics, page 211:
    [] the dinosaur references the antagonistic character Anderson and originally came from a joke on the Sherlock LiveJournal kinkmeme, a place for fans to post anonymous story ideas and fan fiction.