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English citations of libertopianism

Noun: "(US, politics, derogatory) libertarianism, viewed as untenable or hopelessly idealistic"

1995 1997 1999 2000 2001 2004
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1995 February 5, Reid Cooper, “Re: Newt G.'s stand on NPR”, in alt.politics.libertarian[1] (Usenet):
    Gosh durn' it, this libertopianism is more complicated than we thought! Issuing ethical edicts against issuing ethical edicts is kinda, ya know, tricky...
  • 1997 December 15, BretCahill, “Re: All Men Are Angels”, in talk.politics.libertarian[2] (Usenet):
    Conservative libertopianism is chock full of internal contradictions.
  • 1999 March 25, John Merrall, “Re: I can't consider anarchism anymore.”, in alt.politics.libertarian[3] (Usenet):
    No. Rather, such an argument is meant to show that Libertopianism is a meaningless philosophy because it has never been practiced by anyone.
  • 1999 June 30, Chris, “Re: A Philosophical Call To Arms!”, in alt.politics.libertarian[4] (Usenet):
    I don't think that his entreaty to Libertopianism is any more benevolent than the unregulated oceanic food chain is...don't be inveigled by false manners NM.
  • 1999 November 13, BretCahill, “Re: Talk.Politics.GOP Republicans Better Demagoues Than Libertopists”, in talk.politics.libertarian[5] (Usenet):
    A basic logic course would eliminate libertopianism.
  • 1999 December 5, David Carrell, “Re: Class-action feeding frenzy”, in talk.politics.libertarian[6] (Usenet):
    You continue to show your ignorance of libertarianism. Now libertopianism, I do not know since it exists only in your deluded mind.
  • 1999 December 10, BretCahill, “Re: Class-action feeding frenzy”, in talk.politics.libertarian[7] (Usenet):
    EVERY libertopist says "you are ignorant of libertarianism" when it's time to flippity flop or break ranks with other libertopists who slapped together some rationalization at the last minute in their continuing desperate attempt to make libertopianism "work."
  • 2000 April 15, BretCahill, “Reaganism = Outbreak of Libertopia”, in talk.politics.libertarian[8] (Usenet):
    That's why I posted here for a few years, to undo the outbreak of libertopianism that occurred twenty years ago.
  • 2000 September 9, John Merrall, “Re: How a Libertarian Capitalist Became a Libertarian Socialist”, in alt.politics.libertarian[9] (Usenet):
    Thus we get back to the argument that Libertopianism provides protection for the rich only, []
  • 2000 September 12, John Merrall, “Re: Libertarian Perpesctive on Cold War”, in talk.politics.libertarian[10] (Usenet):
    Actually, the big question I have regarding anarchism (including Libertopianism) is, how can it *guarantee* a maximally enlightened and educated population *without* SOME sort of paternalistic pseudo-governmental organization to administer and, yes, coerce?
  • 2001 May 13, Daedra Morrighan, “Re: Jefferson: Libertopianism Is A Disease”, in talk.politics.libertarian[11] (Usenet):
    Reagan gave lip service to libertopianism. His economy was a war economy, not a libertopic economy. His foreign policy was imperialist and militarist, not libertopic.
  • 2004, James Hughes, Citizen Cyborg: Why Democratic Societies Must Respond to the Redesigned Human Future, page 166:
    In 1991, the extropians also founded an e-mail list, catching the wind of the Internet typhoon and its high-tech libertopianism.