Citations:little spoon

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English citations of little spoon

Noun: "the person whose back is touching the other person's front when spooning"

2007 2011 2012 2013 2014
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2007, Bri Karamol, quoted in "People on the street", The BG News (Bowling Green State University), Volume 102, Issue 72, 6 December 2007, page 4:
    "Little spoon, because you get to cuddle up like a little ball. It's amazing."
  • 2011, Charlotte Knight, "You snooze, you lose", The Daily Titan (California State University, Fullerton), Volume 89, Issue 13, 24 February 2011, page 4:
    So we would attempt to nap. But as he had a twin bed, space was limited, so I would insist he be the big spoon and I be the little spoon.
  • 2012, Ashley Korpal, quoted in "Survey: Big spoon or little spoon?", The Exponent (Northern State University), Volume 110, Issue 8, 21 March 2012, page 8:
    "I would prefer to be the little spoon because I feel safer and more protected that way."
  • 2012, "She's the little spoon: Snuggle up for $60", Metro (New York), 12 July 2012, page 2:
    "There are different kinds of cuddling positions, but I typically always start out spooning. And I am pretty small, so usually I'm the little spoon," Samuel said.
  • 2012, Justin Keberlein, "Embarrassing Moments and Bad Decisions", Gambling the Aisle, Summer 2012, page 32:
    There's so much malt liquor sloshing through your veins you don't feel Sam climb underneath the table with you and nestle herself into the position of the little spoon.
  • 2012, J. L. Summers, "The voyage", The East Carolinian (East Carolina University), Volume 87, Issue 138, 1 November 2012, page 3:
    I mean guys all we really want is to be held at night and be the little spoon occasionally, but it's the women who come over expecting something entirely different.
  • 2012, Anna L. Beedes, "Finding fairies in moustaches", Capilano Courier (Capilano University), Volume 46, Number 11, 26 November 2012, page 8:
    The morning after, while demanding to be the little spoon he asked, “So you're not going to fall in love with me, are you?”
  • 2013, Matthew Cattin, "Editorial", Debate (Aotearoa Student Press Association), Issue 19, August 2013, page 5:
    And at the end of the day, sometimes I just want to be the little spoon, have my hair brushed softly over my ears and be told I'm worth it.
  • 2013, Savannah Rogers, "Don't forget to hope", The George-Anne (Georgia Southern University), Volume 84, Issue 24, 10 October 2013, page 5:
    Do you make sure he likes to cuddle, and is okay with being the little spoon?
  • 2014, Josie Ayre, "The big question: Can your love survive a long distance relationship: Nah mate, leave it", The Courier (Newcastle University), Issue 1290, 24 March 2014, page 12:
    After a night out you'll find yourself sharing your bed with a box of cheesy chips rather than arguing about who gets to be the little spoon with your partner and at this point you'll realize how far you really have fallen.