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English citations of matutinal

  1. Of, occurring in, or relating to the early morning.
    • 1893: George Bernard Shaw, Plays Unpleasant: Mrs. Warren’s Profession: The Author’s Apology
      We had to rehearse at an hour at which no actor or actress has been out of bed within the memory of man; and we sardonically congratulated one another every morning on our rosy matutinal looks and the improvement wrought by our early rising in our health and characters.
    • 1988: Ray Murphy, The Boston Globe: Hurray, Hurray, the Month of May, the 28th day of April
      Get up early and wash your face in the matutinal May Day dew; it will make your skin beautiful and your heart pure.
    • 2002: R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr., The Washington Times: Plainly presidential, the 18th day of January
      Harry Truman, was — like Winston Churchill — known to take a matutinal shot of whisky. He did it after his regular very vigorous early-morning walk.