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English citations of mullet

A person who mindlessly follows a fad, a trend, or a leader.
  • 1990 March 19, Neale Davidson, rec.arts.sf-lovers (Usenet):
    The guards finally came, "Yo, mullet head, stop being a menace to that kid or I'll show you a thing about violence."
  • 1991 September 9, Ben Sloan, (Usenet):
    One isn't available on this campus yet. :-( As a matter of fact, I've been too lazy to look up either of Hubbert's articles (the original 1956 or a follow-up in 1982) because some mullet put them in the engineering library all the way across campus...
  • 1992 February 14, TOny M, comp.sys.amiga.advocacy (Usenet):
    I'm just sitting here like a stunned mullet. Who can believe it?
  • 1992 April 25, Chris Metzler, sci.astro (Usenet):
    Amazingly enough, our local paper (aka "the mullet wrapper" for its poor coverage of factual news) had the story on its front page, as did the NYTimes.
  • 1992 May 28, Mitch Sako, rec.gambling (Usenet):
    I don't think of them as squirrels so much, more like my-skill-is-so-good-and-i-spent-so-much-time-reading-about-it-that-i'm-not-going-to-give-up-what-i-worked-for mullets who are so enamoured with their own skill that they think they have the keys to King Tut's tomb.
  • 1992 June 5, Andrew Beckhouse, aus.flame (Usenet):
    May the offenders float along their merry way like the school of blind mullet that they are!
  • 1992 September 12, Jeff Mejia, (Usenet):
    ..., the following is the latest that I can piece together from various news sources (even though the newspapers around here are mullet wrap).
  • 1993 December 10, Mike Dahmus, (Usenet):
    Read some trade press, you moronic mullet. Three million souls already use OS/2, and the growth is accelerating.
  • 1994 March 23, Alan Barrow, (Usenet):
    If you asked this guy if he poached or vialated game limits he would say no. (as would many) But given an ideal fishing condition, many people give in! I have seen it happen, and have family friends that regularly keep snook and redfish out of season. They are "old florida" families (we call em "mullet heads", saltwater rednecks).
  • 1994 May 26, meg, (Usenet):
    Each year we add something new. Last year we added a porch to the toyshop and a mullet glass window to my house.
  • 1994 August 2, Elizabeth Horn, rec.arts.anime (Usenet):
    ..., the Dr. Shizuma whose mullet was in the fly arachnoid mode (I wasn't sure where he was leading at first, but when the joke hit, his celebrity-confession style of patter was perfect), ...
  • 1994 August 25, SEA Dave, (Usenet):
    Ever since those days I have had the utmost respect for these durable craft. Though I am a sailor, if I would ever buy a mullet smasher you can bet I'd spend the extra bucks and buy a Boston Whaler.
  • 1994 September 25, Bill Jennings, bit.listserv.gaynet (Usenet):
    Don't forget that Bernadette calls the woman "Mullet", a rather misogynistic term referring to the odor of a woman's vagina.
  • 1995 February 2, Rolf Hanson [1], alt.skate-board (Usenet):
    anyway - mullet topped part man/part troll yells out of said mini truck and yells "skaters suck" a clever witticism, no doubt, but spanky fails to appreciate the ingeinuity behind said comment and retorts with an equally clever "fuck you" combined with the noble 1 fingered scout salute.
  • 1993 May 20, Bennett Leeds, rec.woodworking (Usenet):
    BTW, the FWW article also discusses using the tablesaw as well as the vertical router bits to raise panels; and even includes an entire full page sidebar titled "Beveling panels by hand" using a marking gauge, a standard handplane, and a shopmade mullet. Good stuff.