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English citations of novemvigintillion

  • 2011 October 22,, Re: Series/Parallel of 10 resistors question,, Usenet:
    The correct answer is:
    Which is:
    One novemoctogintillion,
    eight hundred thirty-six octooctogintillion,
    two hundred thirty-nine septoctogintillion,
    two hundred three quinoctogintillion,
    forty quattuoroctogintillion,
    thirty-four treoctogintillion,
    two hundred fifty duooctogintillion,
    two hundred forty-six unoctogintillion,
    six hundred twenty-one octogintillion,
    four hundred thirty-five novemseptuagintillion,
    two hundred forty-two octoseptuagintillion,
    four hundred ten septseptuagintillion,
    one hundred sexseptuagintillion,
    three hundred fifty-two quinseptuagintillion,
    fifty-two quattuorseptuagintillion,
    twenty treseptuagintillion,
    six hundred twenty duoseptuagintillion,
    three hundred forty-one unseptuagintillion,
    four hundred thirteen septuagintillion,
    five hundred seventy-two novemsexagintillion,
    five hundred seventy-two octosexagintillion,
    five hundred sixty-two septsexagintillion,
    four hundred fifty-two sexsexagintillion,
    four hundred thirteen quinsexagintillion,
    eleven quattuorsexagintillion,
    two hundred four tresexagintillion,
    two hundred five duosexagintillion,
    two hundred forty-five unsexagintillion,
    two hundred forty-eight sexagintillion,
    five hundred sixty-two novemquinquagintillion,
    four hundred seventy-six octoquinquagintillion,
    two hundred forty-seven septenquinquagintillion,
    six hundred twenty-four sexquinquagintillion,
    nine hundred twenty-four quinquinquagintillion,
    nine hundred twenty-four quattuorquinquagintillion,
    six hundred eighty-two trequinquagintillion,
    three hundred forty-six duoquinquagintillion,
    seven hundred twenty-four unquinquagintillion,
    eight hundred seventy-five quinquagintillion,
    nine hundred thirteen novemquadragintillion,
    nine hundred forty-eight octoquadragintillion,
    two hundred seventy-five septenquadragintillion,
    two hundred forty-seven sexquadragintillion,
    six hundred forty-six quinquadragintillion,
    eight hundred twenty-four quattuorquadragintillion,
    three hundred fifty-nine trequadragintillion,
    two hundred forty-five duoquadragintillion,
    one hundred twenty-three unquadragintillion,
    four hundred twenty-three quadragintillion,
    eight hundred fifty-two novemtrigintillion,
    four hundred fifty-six octotrigintillion,
    eight hundred forty-two septentrigintillion,
    eight hundred seventy-five sextrigintillion,
    two hundred forty-eight quintrigintillion,
    five hundred eighty-four quattuortrigintillion,
    five hundred sixty-seven tretrigintillion,
    four hundred fifty-six duotrigintillion,
    seven hundred twenty-seven untrigintillion,
    one hundred thirty-eight trigintillion,
    four hundred thirteen novemvigintillion,
    four hundred forty-seven octovigintillion,
    five hundred sixty-four septenvigintillion,
    five hundred sixty-two sexvigintillion,
    five hundred twenty-three quinvigintillion,
    four hundred fifty-nine quattuorvigintillion,
    two hundred twenty-five trevigintillion,
    nine hundred twenty-four duovigintillion,
    seven hundred twenty-four unvigintillion,
    five hundred sixty-four vigintillion,
    six hundred seventy-two novemdecillion,
    eight hundred fifty-eight octodecillion,
    two hundred seventy-two septendecillion,
    seven hundred seventy-two sexdecillion,
    seven hundred fifty-two quindecillion,
    seven hundred fifty-seven quattuordecillion,
    two hundred fifty-seven tredecillion,
    two hundred seventy-eight duodecillion,
    five hundred seventy-two undecillion,
    five hundred seventy-two decillion,
    seven hundred fifty-two nonillion,
    four hundred seventy-five octillion,
    seven hundred twenty-three septillion,
    four hundred fifty-seven sextillion,
    two hundred fifty-seven quintillion,
    two hundred seventy-five quadrillion,
    one hundred seventy-seven trillion,
    three hundred twelve billion,
    three hundred forty-seven million,
    two hundred forty-six thousand,
    five hundred thirty-four
  • 2013, John P. Lewis, Wikipedia: Is it the Library of Babel?:
    If you wanted to apply Lewis Carroll's idea to Wikipedia, how many bits of information would it require to capture the entire universe? An MIT quantum engineer, Seth Lloyd, computed that, considering “every degree of freedom of every particle in the universe,” it would be 10 to the 90th bits, or a novemvigintillion, a number that is twice the volume of the universe in cubic millimeters (Lloyd)
  • 2018, Sean A. Culey, Transition Point: From Steam to the Singularity, page 242:
    A three hundred-bit classical chip could power (roughly) a basic calculator, but a three hundred-qubit chip has the computing power of two novemvigintillion bits – that's a two followed by ninety zeros, more than the atoms in the universe.
  • 2020 January 21, Zion Elani, Qubit, Quantum Entanglement and all that: Quantum Computing Made Simple:
    For a 300-qubits system we find a superposition of 2300 states. This mind-boggling 91 decimal digit number (2 novemvigintillion...) is more than the number of atoms in the visible universe []