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English citations of pertinaciously

  • 1601, William Barlow, A defence of the articles of the Protestants religion, Article 3, Answer, p. 72,
    Saint Augustine makes this difference betweene an heretike, and him that beleeves an heretike. The first begets or followes an errour pertinaciously.
  • 1701, John LeClerc, The Harmony of the Evangelists, Samuel Buckley, London, p. 62,
    They shall therefore suffer punishment who reject this heavenly Light, and continue pertinaciously fix'd in those deadly principles which extinguish all knowledge of Virtue.
  • 1787, Robert Burns, "The Brigs of Ayr," notation,
    The banks of Garpal Water is one of the few places in the West of Scotland, where those fancy-scaring beings, known by the name of Ghaists, still continue pertinaciously to inhabit.
  • 1873, Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner, The Gilded Age, ch. 42,
    I work with might and main against his Immigration Bill—as pertinaciously and as vindictively, indeed, as he works against our University.
  • 1952, Names Make News: Charlie Chaplin, Time, 29 Sep,
    If the great comedian wishes to stay here in the country whose citizenship he has so pertinaciously retained, he will be less harassed and very welcome.
  • 2001, Waldemar Kowalski, "Converts to Catholicism and Reformed Franciscans in Early Modern Poland," Church History, vol. 70, no. 3 (Sep), p. 495,
    In Greater Poland (Wielkopolska) the middle class and part of the local gentry clung pertinaciously to Lutheranism.