Citations:pressor beam

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English citations of pressor beam


1931 1945 1956 1986 1992 1995
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1931 September, E. E. "Doc" Smith, “Spacehounds of IPC”, in Amazing Stories, volume 6, number 6, page 544:
    We'll have them in three days, and it ought to be fairly simple to dope out the opposite of a tractor, too—a pusher or presser beam.
  • 1931 September, E. E. "Doc" Smith, “Spacehounds of IPC”, in Amazing Stories, volume 6, number 6, page 560:
    Onward and upward flashed the gigantic duplex cone, its entire whirling mass laced and latticed together—into one mammoth unit by green tractor beams and red pressors.
  • 1945 June, Murray Leinster, “The Ethical Equations”, in Astounding Science Fiction, volume 35, number 4, page 122:
    By the way they're braced, there are tractor beams and pressor beams and—there are vacuum tubes that have grids but apparently work with cold cathodes.
  • 1956 September, Poul Anderson, “Margin of Profit”, in Astounding Science Fiction, volume 58, number 1, page 58:
    A pressor beam lashed out, and invisible hammer blow of repulsion, five times the strength of the enemy tractor.
  • 1986, John Robert Jones, The Reality Matrix:
    He'd used grid-boosted TK—a small pressor beam, actually—to push the latch that allowed the office furniture to dump onto the freeway.
  • 1992, William C. Dietz, Drifter's Run:
    As Cap indicated I was on my way for help when somebody gave me a love tap with a pressor beam.
  • 1995, Robert Sheckley, Laertian Gamble:
    And the armament and engine room equipment was definitely of value. The pressor beam setup and the ship's shields could be stripped out whole and sold to the best bidder; or...