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English citations of rediculous

  1. Archaic, eye dialect, or intentional misspelling of ridiculous.
    • 1592, Thomas Nash, Pierce Penilesse, His Supplication to the Divell, page 28:
      Dalliance in the sagest and highest causes is an absurdity, and like a rediculous Vice in a tragedy, or a poisonous serpent in Paradise.
    • 1594, Robert Parsons, A Conference about the Next Succession of the Crown of Ingland, page 14:
      ...but if it be ment as though any Prince had his particuler gouermenr or interest to succeed by institutió of nature, it is rediculous, for that nature giueth it not as hath bin declared, but the particular constitution of euery comon wealth with-in it selfe...
    • 1598, William Shakespeare, Loves Labors Lost: the first quarto, page 57:
      Their shallow showes, and Prologue vildly pende, And their rough carriage so rediculous, Should be presented at our Tent to vs.
    • 1603, George Gifford, Thomas Wright, A Dialogue Concerning Witches & Witchcrafts, page 60:
      God hath given naturall helps, and those we may use, as from his hande against naturall diseases, but things besides nature he hath not appointed, especiallie they bee rediculous to drive away devilles and diseases.
    • 1609, Jean François Le Petit, A Generall Historie of the Netherlands, page 1288:
      It were a rediculous spectacle, that after they had stript our wives and children of all their clothes, and made them forfeit to your highnesse, they should afterward condemne them to depart out of your territories Within three dayes.
    • 1610, St. Augustine, Citie of God, page 327:
      O lamentable necessity! nay rediculous detestable vanitie, to keepe vanity from diuinitie.
    • 1852, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Volume 1, page 188:
      "O, stranger! that's rediculous, altogether," said the man.
    • 1986, Winston Groom, Forrest Gump, Ch. 7:
      Him bein a tank officer an all, he say it rediculous for us to be wagin a war in a place where we can't hardly use our tanks on account of the land is mostly swamp or mountains.
    • 2012, Tom and Julie Nowak, Say What?, page ix:
      A collection of preposterous and common proverbs and sayings, rediculous expressions, senseless, slang, colloqialisms and familiar folk wisdom...
    • 2013, Carolyn Costin, Your Dieting Daughter...Is She Dying for Attention?, page 44:
      Jackie's schedule sounds too rediculous to be true, but it was confirmed by her family and friends.