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English citations of retributionist

  • 1893 October, New Ways With Old Offenders, in The Nineteenth Century, volume 34, page 625:
    The philanthropists declare — I quote from a paper by Mr. Charles Hopwood, Recorder of Liverpool, in the New Review of last June — that ‘the claims of flesh and blood are too little regarded,’ and ‘solitary confinement is maddening,’ and ‘meagre diet starvation to many.’ [...] The retributionist says — I quote from Sir James F. Stephen — ‘The criminal law proceeds upon the principle that it is morally right to hate criminals, and it confirms and justifies that sentiment by inflicting upon criminals punishments which express it.’
  • 1980 March, ThirdWay, volume 4, number 3, page 24:
    The revised retributionist holds ideas of free will (responsibility) and determinism in tension, reflecting the theological position on these concepts. As against treatment, justice is provided for, by avoiding the simplistic total responsibility of early retributionists, and using the lessons of criminology without the distortions seen in the treatment ideology. Justice is given when the punishment is determined by the measure of guilt of the offender.
  • 2010, Heimir Geirsson, Margaret R. Holmgren, Ethical Theory: A Concise Anthology, page 103:
    Consequently, retributionists can only deny that those who are punished deserve to be punished if they deny that such actions are wrong. This they will not want to do.
  • 2011, Evan J. Mandery, Capital Punishment in America: A Balanced Examination, page 475:
    A lex talionis retributionist would likely maintain that neither the passage of time nor a radical change in the character of the defendant alleviates society's duty to punish the properly convicted. Immanuel Kant captured this notion when he argued that before a civil society could disband, it had to execute the last murderer in its prisons. However, a proportional retributionist would not necessarily maintain that execution is proper in inordinate delay cases.