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English citations of retromingent

  • 1981, Arnaud De Borchgrave, Robert Moss, The Spike
    I would prefer to call them retromingent reactionaries." After some of the United Nations delegates with whom O'Reilly had tangled looked up the word ...
  • 1990, Laura Kalman, Abe Fortas: A Biography
    He said that the United Mine Workers had long known of the "retromingent" attitude of Mr. Portas, which he pronounced Fort-ass. All those in the room waited ...
  • 2005, Angelo Codevilla, No Victory, No Peace
    This retromingent concept begged the question of what accomplishments would justify the intervention in the first place. The US government's most ...
  • 2006 Eric Boehlert, Lapdogs: How the Press Rolled Over for Bush
    In his missive to Irvine, Bradlee referred to him as a "miserable, carping retromingent vigilante." As Bradlee's correspondence illustrates, ...