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English citations of scenius

Noun: "Intelligence of a whole operation or group of people."

2006 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2006, Jaron Lanier, V. S. Ramachandran, DJ Spooky That Subliminal Kid, Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland Public Art (Organization), Truth, technology, and the visual/virtual world
    For us, it's now the scenius; instead of the genius, you have the scenius. It's rooms like this; it's people exchanging; it's people actually comparing.
  • 2006, Kas Oosterhuis, Lukas Feireiss, The Architecture Co-laboratory: GameSetandMatch II : on Computer Games, Advanced Geometries, and Digital Technologies, episode publishers →ISBN, page 131
    The vortex of the scenius. The scenius is a dynamic joint venture in which the relationship between the producers and the consumers receives a meaning different from the meanings of those words in the Fordian production process.
  • 2006, Alex de Jong, Marc Schuilenburg, Mediapolis: Popular Culture and the City, 010 Publishers →ISBN, page 123
    Nevertheless, not all fans are part of the scenius. That only occurs when they manifest themselves as a group and make their knowledge widely available. The third group within the scenius is that of the users.
  • 2009, Geeta Dayal, Brian Eno's Another Green World, A&C Black →ISBN
    Many years ago, Eno coined a term he called "scenius" to describe how large groups of people, not simply lone misunderstood geniuses, generate creativity. "Scenius" stands for the intelligence and the intuition of a whole cultural scene,” Eno says...
  • 2012, Simon Reynolds, Energy Flash: A Journey Through Rave Music and Dance Culture, Soft Skull Press →ISBN
    How does all this relate to the concept of scenius; that crops up regularly? Brian Eno's scenius; definitely fits the idea that it's not about a record and a listener in isolation, it's about music that's activated and potentiated when it's part of a...
  • 2013, Christopher Scoates, Brian Eno: Visual Music, Chronicle Books →ISBN, page 290
    The exhibition is an example of the scenius of Eno's milieu and time, not a causal effect. “Learning from Eno” is about this interchange between Eno and the scenius of his times.
  • 2014, Austin Kleon, Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered, Workman Publishing →ISBN, page 11
    Scenius doesn't take away from the achievements of those great individuals; it just acknowledges that good work isn't created in a vacuum, and that creativity is always, in some sense, a collaboration, the result of a mind connected to others...
  • 2015, Sam Horn, Got Your Attention?: How to Create Intrigue and Connect with Anyone, Berrett-Koehler Publishers →ISBN, page 117
    Let me share my first experience of a scenius, and then I'll share a couple of suggestions on how to set up a scenius at your next business event.
  • 2015, Ron Moy, Authorship Roles in Popular Music: Issues and Debates, Routledge →ISBN
    scenius This is the collective authorship of the crowd, scene or mass market.
  • 2011, Simon Reynolds, Bring the Noise: 20 Years of Writing About Hip Rock and Hip Hop, Soft Skull Press →ISBN, page 321
    Brian Eno has dubbed this syndrome 'scenius', punning on the words 'scene' and 'genius'. He argues that our old Romantic notions of the auteur as an autonomous, endlessly fertile individual were precisely that: overly romanticized,  ...
  • 2014, Mark Fisher, Ghosts of My Life: Writings on Depression, Hauntology and Lost Futures, John Hunt Publishing →ISBN
    The temptation for any producer emerging from the scenius of the hardcore continuum was always to renounce the essentially collective nature of the conditions of production. It was a temptation that Goldie was unable to resist, but, tellingly, ...
  • 2012, Leonard Sweet, I Am a Follower: The Way, Truth, and Life of Following Jesus, Harper Collins →ISBN, page 227
    Musician Brian Eno invented a word, scenius, to describe the kinds of environments that create innovation. The lone genius is a myth. True innovation comes through social scenes and connected groups of people: hence, scenius. Likewise ...