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English citations of siebenbein

  • 1991 August 13, C D Froggatt, H B Nielsen, Origin Of Symmetries[1], World Scientific, →ISBN, →OCLC, page 59:
    As indicated here, the order of the upper and lower indices on the siebenbein is irrelevant.
  • 2002, Changhyun Ahn, Taichi Itoh, “The 11-dimensional metric for AdS/CFT RG flows with common SU (3) invariance”, in Nuclear Physics B[2], volume 646, numbers 1-2, Elsevier, →DOI, →ISSN, pages 257–280:
    Based on the nonlinear metric ansatz of de Wit–Nicolai–Warner, we show the geometric construction of the compact 7-manifold metric and find the local frames (siebenbeins) by decoding the SU(3)-singlet vevs into squashing and stretching parameters of the 7-manifold.
  • 2015, Hadi Godazgar, Mahdi Godazgar, Olaf Krüger, Hermann Nicolai, Krzysztof Pilch, “An SO (3)× SO (3) invariant solution of D= 11 supergravity”, in Journal of High Energy Physics[3], volume 2015, number 1, Springer, →DOI, →ISSN, pages 1–45:
    In what follows we consider the siebenbein to be that of a deformed round seven-sphere