Citations:sleep flower

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English citations of sleep flower


  • 1918 December 1, National School Service[1], volume 1, Harvard University, column In Flanders Fields:
    If we break faith and stop short of the goal for which those sleeping heroes gave up their lives, they shall not rest in peace, e'en though the poppies, "the sleep flowers", blow in Flanders fields.
  • 1918, Will Levington Comfort, The Shielding Wing[2], page 126:
    "Every man to his taste in Tantesoon's," Reever added. "Some call for damsels and confections, some for teas and wines and the little sleep-flowers. If you are weary and wish to sleep with a dream-pipe, that also is in Tantesoon's."

fantasy sense or metaphorical

  • 1876, Good things, for the young of all ages[3], page 173:
    It was not long after this that Hubert took home with him from the forest some of the blue sleep flowers.
  • 1905, Birch Leaves[4]:
    By Rockaway River in Lullaby Town,
    The wonderful sleep flowers grow;
    They are blossoming there o'er buds of down
    With petals as white as snow.
  • 2013, Megan Derr, The Engineered Throne[5], Less Than Three Press, page 119:
    The soothing sent[sic] of sleep flowers wafted about, mingling with the scent of the dark green tree trying to poke its branches inside.