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English citations of solœcism and ſolœciſm

Noun: antiquated spelling of solecism

1821 1850 1862 1894
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1821 C.E., Bishop of St. David’s, in The Quarterly Review, John Murray; №. LII, Article II, page #330:
    Is then the solœcism removed by the insertion of the seventh verse  ?
  • 1850 C.E., John William Donaldson, The New Cratylus, John W. Parker; second edition, book III, Chapter V, page #485:
    Instead of this Ruhnken has not hesitated to propose an unintelligible solœcism.
  • 1862 C.E., James Wayland Joyce, Ecclesia Vindicata, Saunders, Otley, and Co.; Chapter V, pages 180–181:
    […] ſuch a courſe would be analogous to the whole ſyſtem of our national juriſprudence, would ſave the Church from that ignominious poſition in which ſhe is now placed, by having her doctrines and faith defined by a lay tribunal, and would put an end to a ſolœciſm which diſcredits this nation in the face of Chriſtendom.
  • 1894 C.E., Ben Jonson, The Alchemist, in The Best Plays of the Old Dramatists: Ben Jonson, T. Fisher Unwin and Charles Scribner’s Sons; Volume III, page #364:
    A cloister had done well ; but such a feature
    That might stand up the glory of a kingdom,
    To live recluse ! is a mere solœcism,
    Though in a nunnery. It must not be.