Citations:srs bsns

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English citations of srs bsns

Noun: "(Internet slang) something that is serious, important, formidable, etc., or is treated as such"

2008 2009 2011 2012 2013
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2008 February 24, Funky Donny [username], “Re: About Anonymous”, in alt.religion.scientology[1] (Usenet):
    You should be well aware that Anonymous wants to oppose the cult for LULZ as much as for great justice; it is not about srs bsns.)
  • 2008 April 4, Jommy Cross, “Re: 15:[Chris Barts ] Re: Give it up Tom N”, in alt.religion.scientology[2] (Usenet):
    Tom is srs bsns. Tom is absolutely, unarguably *right*.
  • 2008 June 24, Lafayette at The Beacon [username], “Re: Jesus - what is happening at”, in alt.religion.scientology[3] (Usenet):
    It seems most of the protesters can't be bothered with the spat, and recognise that it detracts from the srs bsns.
  • 2008 July 4, Jens Tingleff, “Re: YouTube Must Give All User Histories To Viacom”, in alt.religion.scientology[4] (Usenet):
    (insert rant about how data protection is srs bsns and how Europe is trying to do the right thing and how the US is doing the wrong thing.)
  • 2008 August 19, Jonathon Barbera, “Re: When are the UFOs coming down for the UFO Cult?”, in alt.religion.scientology[5] (Usenet):
    Really? Are space-faring ghosts "srs bsns" to people like yourself?
  • 2008 September 14, xenubarb [username], “sept. 13 raid San Diego”, in alt.religion.scientology[6] (Usenet):
    We relocated to downtown for the srs bsns.
  • 2009 February 18, barbz [username], “San Diego Global, Valentine's Day 2009”, in alt.religion.scientology[7] (Usenet):
    Scilons called the cops and his encounter made him paranoid for the rest of the day because the female patrol officer was all srs bsns and claimed there was video of us "blocking the driveway."
  • 2009 February 25, nova.ultimate [username], “Re: We've gone a while without a boner check”, in[8] (Usenet):
    rsd is srs bsns
  • 2009 December 18, S. Checker, “Re: Mr. Bishop”, in[9] (Usenet):
    Lots of folks don't agree with the BSA's stance on God and gays and I am sure there are other, similar programs that will also help kids grow up, but what they are trying to do is, as the kids now say, srs bsns.
  • 2011 February 14, snr0n [username], “Re: now is teh present”, in[10] (Usenet):
    It's srs bsns, guys: I downloaded Xnews. But I always used to use Netscape's newsreader, so apologies if I somehow noob this up completely.
  • 2012 — "Music Monday: Davy Jones and the Monkees", Liberty NewsPost, 5 March 2012:
    While still making music, Jones showed up in wholesome shows like The Brady Bunch and Scooby Doo. Naturally that got him a reputation with the Lester Bangs crowd who thought rock was always srs bsns.
  • 2013 — R. Cooper, A Boy and His Dragon, Dreamspinner Press (2013), →ISBN, unnumbered page:
    Treasure really was, in his sister's words, srs bsns, to dragons.
  • 2013 — Michelle Starr, "Websites with googly eyes", CNET Australia, 22 January 2013:
    If there is one thing in this world that is guaranteed to make things a lot less srs bsns, it's googly eyes.