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English citations of sticked




  • 1809, Grafton's chronicle, or history of England, volume 2, page 135:
    [] would haue [=have] sticked him with a dagger []
  • 1908, The Northeastern Reporter, volume 85, page 693:
    The defendant said he didn't shoot; "he sticked him with a knife."

pierce? beat with a stick?

  • circa 1583, John Jewel, in a sermon republished in 1847 in The Works of John Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury, portion 2, page 969:
    In certain of their sacrifices they had a lamb, they sticked him, they killed him, and made sacrifice of him: this lamb was Christ the Son of God, he was killed, sticked, and made a sweet-smelling sacrifice for our sins.
  • 1817 September, in Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, volume 1, page 617:
    [] he saw Robert Johnston, pannel, come out of the cott-house with the fork in his hand, and pass by Alexander Fall and the deponent; heard the pannell say, he had sticked the dog, and he would stick the whelps too; whereupon the pannell run after the defunct's son with the fork in his hand, []

press (a point) (into)

  • 1564-67, Thomas Harding, in a text republished in 1847 in The Works of John Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury, portion 2, page 652:
    After Eusebius' death, Julian the renegade took down this image of Christ, and set up his own in the same place; which with violent fire that fell from heaven was cleft asunder in the breast, the head broken off with a piece of the neck, and sticked in the ground: the rest of it so remained long after, []