Citations:straight supremacy

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English citations of straight supremacy

ideology (doctrine, philosophy)

  • 2021 June 16, William Johnson, Surviving the Ultimate Workplace Bully - My Story, Xlibris Corporation, →ISBN:
    ... at Brooklyn College that first year seemed to look on the gay people with some apprehension and some bewilderment, and they also revealed how deeply corrupted they were by the doctrine of straight supremacy in many unconscious ways.


  • 1997, Scott Tucker, The Queer Question: Essays on Desire and Democracy, South End Press, →ISBN, page 190:
    Straight supremacy is not just a personal problem; the problem is a system of power and privilege that straight folks can also choose to resist. The notion that queers seek “special rights” obscures the real power now being []
  • 2011 September 1, Tim Wise, White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son, Catapult, →ISBN:
    We live not only in a racialized society, but also in a class system, a patriarchal system, and one of straight supremacy, ablebodied supremacy, and Christian hegemony. These other forms of privilege, and the oppression experienced by []